

‘We Have Been Reduced to Nothing’: The Genocide of the Cape San Peoples in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

‘We Have Been Reduced to Nothing’: The Genocide of the Cape San Peoples in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

When the South African government today asks for their demands, the respond: 'Land, water and truth'.
China’s shrinking room for maneuver in foreign policy

China’s shrinking room for maneuver in foreign policy

Contradictions within China between the line of Mao and Zhou En Lai on the one side and the post-Deng bourgeoisie on the other are reflected in the country's foreign policy.
The paradoxes of time travel and the drama of astrophysics

The paradoxes of time travel and the drama of astrophysics

Though an abstract in practice, we know it's theoretically possible, argues the author.
Nationalism in Europe back on the world’s agenda

Nationalism in Europe back on the world’s agenda

European nationalists won't serve US interests, thus, they won't die in a war against Russia.
Should the statement of the Latvian Foreign Minister be taken seriously?

Should the statement of the Latvian Foreign Minister be taken seriously?

The minister had considered possible that Ukraine uses Western weapons for strikes inside Russian territory.
“The US is the obstacle in Libya”
Expert: Şafak Erdem

“The US is the obstacle in Libya”

On Ghaddafi, Libya's divisions and the roles of external powers.
Is the Camp David Agreement still valid?
Expert: Şafak Erdem

Is the Camp David Agreement still valid?

The conflict in Gaza, the position of regional countries and the Egyptian posture.
“Is Europe mortal?”

“Is Europe mortal?”

On Macron's dramatic speech
A look at the Argentine defense situation and its relationship with the Southern Command

A look at the Argentine defense situation and its relationship with the Southern Command

Regarding US general Richardson's activities on the continent, military cooperation with the US and the emerging multipolar world order.
Gender transition law, Nicaragua sues Germany over genocide, Iranian attacks on Israel and Schröder’s 80th birthday

Gender transition law, Nicaragua sues Germany over genocide, Iranian attacks on Israel and Schröder’s 80th birthday

The German press' perspective on national and international events in the last week.