Draghi and the complete cessation of national sovereignty: Ways to build true opposition

By Luciano Vasapollo

This article was first published in English by UnitedWorld. The italian version was first published by www.lantidiplomatico.it. The Italian version can be read here.

With the government of the economist Mario Draghi, Italy has definitively entered the phase of complete cession of popular and national sovereignty, continuing the long phase of commissioner control by the strong powers of the European Union in the interest of the transnational bourgeoisie, the pulsating soul of the European imperialist pole.

This occurs in prevalence for economic science, which is understood as the science of the capitalist way of production, that is, oriented to profit,and developments that are only compatible with the needs of doing business in the capital market, but without giving any positive response to the urgent problems of the economy: qualitative development’s able to satisfy the needs of the workers, the exploited, the unemployed and the migrants.

Arc of ‘unconstitutional’ forces

If the parliamentary political forces that will give life to the Draghi government, effectively creating an arc of the ‘unconstitutional’ forces as they ignore the demands of the Italian constitution, present themselves as forces of hope and economic recovery, than we as economists must ask how they intend to realize one single thought of social and economic science: the absolute power of “social butchery”.

Since their introduction in the 19th century, the development of quantitative and qualitative tools and methodologies has been the strength of economical sciences. 


One of the many historical debates has always been to refuse or accept the neutrality of valuation of conventional tools of the macro, microeconomics and other economic sciences. At the moment, it is being discussed if these tools are the only objective way to achieve legitimate, scientifically accurate results in economic researches. 

Economic science is a relatively new phenomenon in respect to other disciplinary sciences. Although, it has established itself as a main tool for measuring social reality and has fundamentally taken control of company management.

The scientific claims of this discipline are, in the sense of international political economy, strictly and indisputably a question of politics. It is an implication of an Ideological vision. Today more than ever, we see the results: failure of the dominant model of neoliberalism and capitalism, in such an obvious way that highlights the gravity.

Ongoing global crisis, a crisis of civilization

Originally an economic-cultural model has to guarantee the general prosperity and ongoing improvements of living conditions, but the present instead has done quite the opposite; an ongoing global crisis, a crisis of civilization. 

As we have already seen in numerous works, the current economical circle has started more than 40 years ago. It began when the crisis of overproduction coaxed to a very big and unresolvable crisis of capital accumulations. Now, thanks to the analysis of Marx, it is currently possible to comprehend and correctly evaluate the functions and contradictions of the capitalist system and its mode of production.

It is clear that the Marxist political economy or, in better words, the critique of the political economy is simultaneously a science and a critical ideology.

Criticism cannot aim to transform science into absolute power; For Marx, the critique of thoughts that allowed him to proceed, has led him to a thought of synthesis.

In this point of view, such needs do not have any judgment of subjective value, because they are subjective conditions which arise from valued judgments, ideology and political doctrines.

There have been many attempts to separate the purely objective elements from those that imply a value of judgment. We are in agreement that for the purpose of theory and analysis, these two are inextricably connected. As mentioned before one of the characteristics of modernity sciences is the creation of idealized representations of the truth that have the potential to lead to non-empirical concepts that are not achievable in reality.

The fact that the search criteria’s model assumes a valued judgment in the studies of economics does not indicate that the process of research and the results are not scientific, but the use of the pure economy shouldn’t be beyond the immediate solution and the interest of employed, unemployed, migrants and the exploited. The essence of political economy studies is to understand what is hidden inside the economic models; it is to reveal the true social relations of production.

ALBA for the Euro-Mediterranean

Finally, it is important to underline the area of real conflict-ready opposition to the Draghi Government. For thirteen years we have been proposing a Euro-Mediterranean project, the ALBA; a project that liberates us from the suffocation of the euro, bankers and debts but allows the creation of space for the Mediterranean population that follow the Latin American of ALBAs, both in a socialist perspective transition and in economy.


ALBA permits countries to possess their own bank with their own currency, together with the independence and solidarity of a cooperation based not on their comparative and absolute advantage, but based on complementary advantages between many different countries. Our proposal is already on the agenda and has reviewed considerable support not only from Italy but also from countries like Spain, France and Portugal. Therefore ALBA is the humanity’s future. A future that is no longer subjected to the government of the economy. A future where the interests of the exploited are no longer dominated by that political reality. A future where the political and trade union forces of the class oppose Draghi’s government and fight against the barbarism and oppression of both imperialism and liberalism.