Attempt to politicize Beijing Winter Olympics only reveals arrogance of imperialist states

While the 2022 Winter Olympic games in Beijing, People’s Republic of China are getting closer, the US and some Western countries are considering a so-called diplomatic boycott of the games.

United World International expert Adnan Akfırat wrote an opinion article on the matter for the Chinese Global Times.

Below we present the article of Akfırat. The original text can be read here.


The great revolutionary Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the Republic of Turkey, expressed his hope and longing for the future on March 26, 1933: “Colonialism and imperialism will disappear from the face of the earth, and they will be replaced by an era of harmony and cooperation between nations, in which discrimination with respect to color, religion and ethnicity will not exist.”

We can say that the only international event “without any discrimination of color, religion or race” is the Olympic Games.

In fact, the desire of “Humanity for peace, harmony and development together” was a political demand in itself.

The imperialist states, which claim to be the masters of the world, are hitting this desire of humanity for harmony and cooperation on the basis of equality with the weapon of “Boycotting” the Olympic Games.

Participating in the Olympic Games is an incredible experience for any athlete. You may be successful in your field, but your heart will be enriched and your head will reach the sky when you realize that you are also part of a greater whole. Imagine you are part of an event that unites the world, now.

The Olympics are natural equality

Because at the Olympic Games we are all naturally equal. Everyone adheres to and respects the same rules, regardless of social background, gender, race, sexual orientation or political affiliation.

Competing against each other does not prevent this. Athletes are rivals in sports, but they all live in peace and brotherhood under one roof in the Olympic Village.

The Olympic Games are an objection to the claim to “master” the world. As a non-governmental organization, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is always strictly neutral between states. The determination of the country where the Games will be held and who will participate are not a political judgment regarding the host country or the participating countries, because the Olympic Games are run by the IOC, not governments. 

‘Political Game’ is prohibited in the Olympics

The head of state of the host country is only allowed to say one sentence to officially open the games. This sentence is also written by the IOC. No politician is allowed to play any role, either during the games or even during the medal ceremonies.

The Olympic Games can unite the whole world through sport only if everyone can participate. This is why solidarity benefits all athletes around the world. It is not just an event for a few countries or a few athletes. The boycott disrupts and cripples this solidarity. The unifying power of games can only emerge if everyone shows respect and solidarity to each other. Otherwise, games will become markets for shows of all kinds that do not divide and unite the world.

US President Joe Biden’s plan to impose a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics on the grounds of “human rights violations” is an arrogance against not only the host of the games, the People’s Republic of China, but the whole world. The efforts of imperialist states to politicize and shadow the Olympic Games will not yield any results. On the contrary, it will reveal their bad intentions to the world public opinion.

No profit in the Olympics, there is only support

The Olympic Games are not for profit. Roughly 90 percent of all revenues are evaluated through the National Olympic Committees for the development of athletes around the world, especially in developing countries. Proceeds from the Olympic Games benefit each of the 206 National Olympic Committees, the IOC Refugee Olympic Team and all athletes. The distribution of money also ensures universality and diversity.

Undoubtedly, the Olympic Games cannot prevent wars and conflicts. In addition, it is not the solution to all the political and social problems in our world. However, it can be an example of living the beauty of a world where everyone respects the same rules and each other.

Under the current conditions, humanity is faced with serious problems that can only be solved when they act collectively. We can only solve negativities such as climate change, global epidemics, increasing poverty, increasing suicides, and widespread drug addiction by defending the common values of humanity. The Olympics is an important step for humanity to build their common future together. Any attitude that would overshadow this joint effort is wrong and should be condemned by all parties.

Let’s listen to the calls of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the first “zero carbon” emission Olympics in the world:

Let’s instill the Olympic spirit in the youth of the world. Let’s encourage millions to embrace winter sports.

Let’s promote social progress through the winter games.

Let’s create a world of harmony for all humanity by developing mutual understanding.

We are confident that the Beijing Winter Olympics, which will witness the level of development of China’s socialist culture, will be a shining example of the rising Asian Civilization. We believe that fraternity records will be broken at the Beijing Winter Olympics. We send our greetings, love and best wishes to the athletes of all participating countries.

We wish the Beijing Winter Olympics all the best.

The common values of humanity will win!