Protests again in Europe: The cost of NATO

The energy crisis continues in Europe, which is dependent on Russian oil and natural gas. The ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict has sent energy and food prices skyrocketing in Europe. Even if governments slash fuel taxes and allocate funds, it is not enough for those whose livelihoods depend on fuel. The workers and truckers are taking to the streets. The demonstrations at times turned into protests against NATO.

Greek workers walked off the job on Wednesday in a 24-hour general strike over high prices. Tens of thousands of Greeks demonstrated against the soaring heating, electricity and housing costs. “Wages are small, bills are huge, we demand solutions,” they chanted.

Annual inflation in Greece has reached its highest level in the 25 years with rising by 7.2 percent, mainly due to rising energy, housing and transportation costs.

On the other hand, they protested against the participation of Greece in the war in Ukraine by sending military equipment, utilising US-NATO bases and preparing an expeditionary corps mission, require a militant response. The statement of the trade union PAME, included the following demands:  “Do not use the Euro-Atlantic infrastructure from Greek territory for operations in Ukraine! Close all US-NATO military bases in the country now.”

In the meantime, members of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE) set up a blockade on a train carrying US-NATO military equipment and combat vehicles at the exist of the port of Alexandroupolis. They shouted slogans against the US and NATO.

In Italy, dockers demanded that arms shipments to Ukraine to be stopped. Hundreds of people marched in Genoa, last week, demanding an end to the war in Ukraine and protested against sending weapons to Ukraine. Last month, Italian airport workers refused to load arms for Ukraine. The protesting workers also resolved for a greater participation in national mobilization of Italian workers on April 22 in Rome against “the anti-worker policies of the Mario Draghi government”.

Thousands of protesters gathered across the UK on Saturday to demand the government pass the soaring cost of energy onto providers instead of low-income workers. Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said: “With rising fuel, food and energy bills, the soaring cost of living is pushing millions into poverty, and the disgusting treatment of the sacked P&O workers needs urgent action from the Government.” during the demonstrations.

Last month, there were also protests over high fuel costs in France, Germany, Spain and Southern Cyprus.