Plan of the USA: Confining the world to an East – West dilemma and the possibility of nuclear provocation

The Ukrainian War, Pelosi’s Taiwan visit and the Greek provocations in the Aegean…

The United States of America (USA) is putting in even more efforts to prevent the multipolar world to take its shape.

When we evaluate Washington’s actions in different regions, we can come up with these two main propositions;

1. The USA is in an effort to destabilise the crossroads of Europe and the East.

2. The USA is in an effort to prevent the humanities’ way out of the East vs West dilemma, by disrupting the Russian-European, Chinese-European and Turkish-European relations.

And Europe has been playing its part really well in the scenario put up by the US, even though its outcome is a total destruction.

Europe’s suicide

The European political elite has joined the American gang of “sanctioning against Russia” after the Ukrainian War, although its against the interests of their own people.

The result of this crisis was the cut-off Russian-European ties, and the economic crises and failing governments in the Old Continent. (resignation of Boris Johnson in the UK, Mario Draghi in Italy, and the pro-American government in Bulgaria, while Macron losing the parliamentary majority in the National Assembly. Germany is also expected to experience similar political breakdowns)

The calls from European leaders on “sanctions against China”, this time after the Taiwan crisis escalated by the US, indicate that the suicidal tendencies are still present in Europe.

Europe that has now betrayed De Gaulle’s ideals of “from the Atlantic to Urals” can expect a harsh winter and possibly civilian protests.

Russia’s obligations

The primary goal of the provocation in Ukraine was to force Russia to take action against the Kiev administration, and thus to cut off the Russian-European ties.

Although Russia tried to keep the paths of dialogue open until the very end, the relations were still cut off due to the European political elite’s submission to US-centric policies.

Russia is now trying to pull Europe back to the track by playing the energy card. However a normalisation between Moscow and the European capitals, does not seem very soon with current governments.

And there is only one option left: government changes throughout Europe…

Russians are also trying to weaken Washington in the Middle East, by putting up a pressure on the US ally Israel.

Another policy of Moscow in the Middle East is to improve the relations with the countries that are close to the US such as Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, in trade, military, industry and energy sectors, and to both shift these countries away from the US influence and make them more neutral.

Türkiye is acting almost as a lifeblood for Russia at his point.

Therefore, we can expect the West to take actions to get Türkiye to a point where it cannot have any relations with Russia especially via sanctions, in the upcoming time period.

Patience of China

By insisting on its policy of “neutrality in favour of Russia” after the beginning of the Ukrainian War, China has managed to support Russia against the USA, which it saw as the main threat, while also not cutting ties with its European partners.

This strategy of Beijing was a response to the US efforts to confine the world to an East vs West dilemma and to impede the multipolar world order.

And the response from the US was to send Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, forcing China to give a tougher response.

By giving a limited response to the provocations directly in the Chinese hinterland, it seems that China has overdone the “snap-off move” of the USA for now.

Subjected Greek government

Another force that plays a role in the US strategy to create instability throughout the crossroads of West and the East is the Greek government.

Greece, which has surrendered its national sovereignty to the US and to Brussels, has now stepped up its provocations against Türkiye over the Mediterranean and the Aegean.

The Aegean Islands, which were supposed to be kept demilitarised according to the bilateral and international agreements, are being systematically militarised by the Greek political elite.

On the other hand, Greek lands and especially its borders with Turkey are used as an outpost by the US military, and there is a constant piling-up of arms throughout these regions.

Greece continues its actions to destabilise the region as a part of the US strategy in the East Mediterranean, and takes actions to force Türkiye to the brink of a war.

The reason why Athens is making these decisions whilst the entire Greek population is suffering from an economic crisis, is only that the Greek administration has become a total subject to the USA.

The plans of the USA is to provoke Türkiye over the Aegean Sea, just as it did in Ukraine, and to create a second zone of instability in the crossroads of Asia and Europe, the middle of the Eurasian geography.

Unfortunately, the Greek administration is far from understanding the fact that they are dragging their country into the brink of a huge destruction, just like Zelensky in Ukraine…

The irreversible path of the United States and the nuclear provocation

These developments show us that the USA does not accept defeat, and that it can resort to any means in order not to lose its spheres of influence, especially in Europe.

It would not be much of a surprise to see the country, that has used nuclear weapons twice on Japan during the end of the WW2 in order to prevent Soviet Union moving into Asia, resort to the same option again.

Possibility of a nuclear sabotage or a nuclear war, is closer to us more than ever before…

The attacks made with kamikaze drones by the Ukrainian Army, only 500 meters away from the Zaporozhe Nuclear Power Plant, where open conflict takes place between Russia and Ukraine, is just a sign of this.

The possibility of experiencing a low density/limited nuclear warfare is quite high, unless the American imperialism is given a harsh response.