Iran: Is it possible to restore the Shah’s rule?

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the international network “Press Club” about the plan of the restoration of the monarchical system of power in Iran. We present the interview, which was published in Russian, to our readers translated into English.


The widow of the last Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Empress Regent Shahbanu Farah Pahlavi appealed to the Iranian security forces not to oppose their people. She called them not to become an instrument of suppression of the people in the hands of the authorities, on whom the wrath of the nation is directed.

“You are part of this nation, so be with this nation,” she tweeted.

She believes that the 1979 seizure of power was illegal. According to that, having the position of “shahbanu” or empress regent makes her the only legitimate head of state under Iran’s 1906 constitution.

Earlier, one of the Shahbanu’s closest advisers, Firouzeh Ghaffarpour, told the Sunday Express: “Her Imperial Majesty has, like her son His Royal Highness Crown Prince Reza, been very aware of the dissatisfaction by Iranians living under this brutal and dictatorial regime.”

Ms Ghaffarpour said that only Farah had the legitimacy to ensure there was no power vacuum should the regime fall, adding that she would “leave it to the people of Iran to decide” whether they wished for the restoration of a Constitutional Monarchy or for Iran to become a secular republic.

She added:

“Her Imperial Majesty feels that her popularity in Iran, where people still chant the Pahlavi name, remains such that this would finally present Iranians with an alternative they would welcome, a Constitutional Monarchy which adheres deeply to the principles of democracy, due process and human rights and offer both regional and international stability.

The people of Iran, whom she continues to love, support and speak with, want this and deserve this.”

The question arises how realistic the restoration of the monarchical system of power in Iran is? That is, are there such sentiments at all? In addition, what threats do such events pose for neighbouring Azerbaijan?

Mehmet Perinçek, a Turkish political scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences, a visiting researcher at the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Moscow State University, told the Press Club about his vision of this situation.

First of all, he noted that countries such as Türkiye, Iran, Russia, China, which have profound state heritage and institutional tradition, a powerful army and a strong economy, are the main barriers to US plans. Without the destruction of the statehood of these countries, the United States cannot realize its plans in our region and around the world. Therefore, these countries, Iran, Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Russia, China, India, Pakistan have a common destiny and common interests in the face of the threat from the United States, the expert believes.

First, the United States is trying to destroy these countries with the power of the economy. The US is using the economy as a weapon against these countries. Sanctions and dollar dominance are prime examples of these weapons.

On the other hand, the US is also provoking internal conflicts in these countries. They provoke ethnic or religious conflicts. And sometimes they try to organize military coups to change the government in these countries.

“Relatively recently, we saw an attempted American coup by the Gülenists in Turkey. The United States also organizes so-called colour revolutions in these countries. They support financially some so-called civil forces. And what is happening now in Iran is also part of the above plan. The restoration of the monarchy in Iran is a purely American project. Before the Islamic Revolution, the Iranian monarchy played a pro-American role in our region. And now the Americans want to restore such a puppet system in Iran again. Because now, cooperation between Iran, Türkiye and Russia is the main threat to US plans. Especially the Astana process on Syria interferes with American plans. And economic cooperation between them also hinders the main plans of the United States in this region,” says Perinçek.

The destinies of our countries, Türkiye, Iran, Azerbaijan, are connected. If the American plans succeed in one of these countries, then the same will happen in other countries. Therefore, our states must cooperate to prevent any plans, projects of Washington, he believes.

“If a pro-American government appears in Iran, a monarchy, then there will be a greater likelihood of creating a ‘Great Kurdistan’. If the Shah’s restoration happens in Iran, Washington’s economic weapons against Türkiye and Azerbaijan will become stronger. The Americans want to overthrow Aliyev in Azerbaijan as well. They even wanted to kill Erdogan in Türkiye. Weren’t they the ones who staged the 2016 pro-American coup attempt in Türkiye? In a word, if there is a revolution or a change of power in any country, it should be an internal initiative, and not the result of outside interference,” the Turkish expert concluded.