UWI discloses report of Ukrainian intelligence: Zelensky attempted to divide Crimean Tatars by planting spies

By Işıkgün Akfırat

An intelligence report by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) classified as “secret” revealed that Zelensky’s government has planted spies on the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, recruited agents from Crimean Tatars and tried to divide the movement.

According to a 6-page signed and sealed document United World International has obtained from Ukrainian sources, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People (KTMM), and the World Congress of Crimean Tatar are labeled as “objectionable” due to their “activities threatening the territorial integrity of Ukraine”.

The Crimean Tatars are marked” in the eyes of the Kyiv regime

The Crimean Tatars that Ukraine is spying on are not citizens of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, which voted by 97 percent to join the Russian Federation. They are Crimean Tatars opposed to Russia and supported by the US through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the financier of the color revolution.

The Turkish public knows this organization through its leader Mustafa Cemilev (Kırımoğlu), who is cherished by the AK Party government. Cemilev, a member of the Ukrainian Parliament, has an arrest warrant for spying activities in Russia. However, Cemilev attends many meetings organized by the AK Party government as a guest of honor. The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People targeted in the report, are presented as “the true representative of the Crimean Turks”.

The SBU report shows that the Kyiv regime cannot even tolerate the Crimean Tatars who are controlled by the US just like itself.

Threat to the territorial integrity

The document in Ukrainian obtained by UWI is labeled “secret” and stamped with the seal of the SBU. The report, signed by Lieutenant Colonel D. Dosenko, Deputy Head of Sector 3 of the National State Protection Department of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Kherson Region, is titled “Information on Some Aspects of the Operational Situation in the Crimean Tatar National Movement in the Kherson Region in the 1st Quarter of 20_”. The dates are covered in the report. However, since it refers to the events of 2020, it is understood to have been prepared during the term of Volodymyr Zelensky.

“The Crimean Tatar National Movement’s desire to achieve regional autonomy poses a clear threat to the territorial integrity of the southern part of the Kherson region,” the report states. It accuses the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People of “using the current conditions, which it considers favorable for lobbying autonomist initiatives, to put pressure on the President of Ukraine, including through an ultimatum, and to induce him to make concessions.” Despite statements to the contrary by the leaders of the Crimean Tatar National Movement, it is argued that their long-term goal “is to create a full-fledged ethnic administrative unit of the Kherson region”.


Volunteer military battalions are the basis of military power

Moreover, the Mejlis formed in the Kherson region after the 2015 elections is said to be “the prototype of future self-government institutions”. It is claimed that with paramilitary organizations such as the “Noman Çelebicihan Battalion” and “Asker”, the Mejlis had formed “the basis of military power and law enforcement”.

It is stated that the World Congress of Crimean Tatar has “decided to strengthen the activities of the leadership of the Mejlis on the territory of Ukraine”. In this context, it is stated that the Mejlis headquartered in Kherson, will establish a “cell” in Kyiv for more organizational and fieldwork.

The report states that Crimean Tatar businessmen will open new businesses to provide employment and financing to the organization. This will be done by the brothers Ruslan and Rustem Umerov, who are close associates of M. Cemilev, known in Türkiye as Mustafa Kırımoğlu. Refat Chubarov, the head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, is also mentioned in this part. Media boss and businessman Lenur Islamov, who did not “fulfill his obligations”, was reportedly informed that his “funds will be cut significantly”.


Spying against the subversive activities of the Mejlis

The most striking part of the report reveals that the Ukrainian security service spies on Crimean Tatars and tries to keep them under control. The Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People is labeled as a threat to the country’s security:

“It should be noted that in the medium term, the establishment of a mono-ethnic administrative-territorial entity of Crimean Tatars in certain regions of Ukraine continues to pose a threat to the territorial integrity and constitutional order of the country (priority No. 502809).”

The report clearly states that the SBU “used a directive influence to restrict the subversive activities of the members of the Majlis through the agents Vesta /7 (k.f. No. 76), Poseidon /7 (k. f. No. 11), Arslan /7 (K. F. No. 1628) and the proxy of the ‘C. R. A.’ who entered the administration of the Mejlis.”

The goal: increasing the number of agents and dividing the Crimean Tatar National Movement

The report writes that the operational status of the inspection on the Mejlis is stable and safe. It continues with the following advice to the SBU:

“However, the work of spies among the activists of the Crimean Tatar National Movement should be strengthened, special attention should be paid to those under 35 years old who are the most promising as spies, so that in the future they can take the place of the detestable and too independent members of the Mejlis.”

The report continues by advising to “consistently weaken the influence of Dzhemilev (Kırımoğlu) and Chubarov on the Crimean Tatar population and continue to work to bring about a split between the groups controlled by them.”

The report clearly proposes to divide the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people led by Dzhemilev!

Secret preventive measures, propaganda and sabotage

In the conclusion of the report, the measures proposed to the Security Service of Ukraine headquarters reveal the details of the special war operation against the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. These consist of five points:

“1. Intensify work with operational resources and focus them on identifying Crimean Tatars who are developing autonomous initiatives that threaten the constitutional order of Ukraine.

2. Strengthen future-oriented recruitment among active representatives of the Crimean Tatar National Movement under 35 years old. Systematic educational work should be carried out with newly recruited agents.

3. Strengthen information and propaganda work and campaigns on the Internet aimed at promoting a loyal attitude of Crimean Tatars towards the democratic authorities of Ukraine.

4. Apply secret preventive measures to the leadership of the Mufti’s Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to prevent religious extremism.

5. Intensify work on recruiting Crimean Tatars living in the temporarily occupied territories for collecting intelligence information and carrying out sabotages. Mainly people with close relatives living in the territory controlled by us should be used.”

The blacklisted leaders

The report also describes the characteristics and attitudes of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar National Movement.

“He does not have a significant impact on the local Crimean Tatar population,” the report says about Abmecit Mambetovich Suleymanov who heads the Kherson Mejlis. His function is reportedly limited to the resolution of conflicts involving Crimean Tatars.

According to the report, one of the influential leaders is Gulnara Rashatovna Bekirova, a member of the Genichesk Regional Assembly. It is emphasized that Bekirova has not renounced her Russian citizenship and “has frictions periodically” with other leaders of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.

It is reported that Neriman Rustemovich Ablyazov is the owner of hotel chains and heads many Islamic and Crimean Tatar foundations, and “maintains friendly and business relations with Mükremin Şahin, President of the Crimean Tatars Culture and Solidarity Association and other members of the Crimean Tatar diaspora in the Republic of Türkiye.”

Uneasiness with Islam

The report states that Crimean Tatars are at odds with the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine. It expresses discontent with the Islam-oriented activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People:

“The most irreconcilable position is that of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People which refuses to recognize the Kyiv government’s protégés and has desire to decide on its own religious leadership for the region. Officials of the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Crimea and the Crimean Tatar National Movement are working to expand the network of religious structures, both by building new mosques and by re-subordinating the Muslim communities of the Spiritual Administration of the Muslims of Ukraine (together with their property).”

Insinuation of Russian agent to Islamov

The report describes Islamov with the implication that he might be a Russian agent: “Hiding behind pseudo-patriotic rhetoric, Islamov has taken measures to remove the ethnic minority from the control of the Ukrainian authorities in order to achieve national autonomy in the future”, and “The possibility that he has direct links with Russian special services and is deliberately carrying out tasks that are detrimental to Ukraine’s national security interests should not be ruled out”.

The report points out that Islamov was in the leadership of the Communist Party during the Soviet Union and “probably had contacts” with the KGB, the intelligence service of the time, that he was in cargo transportation business in the Republic of Crimea despite Russia’s arrest warrant, that his son is studying at one of the Russian universities and doing logistics business in Moscow.

The report also mentions that the Aydar and Soldier Volunteer Battalions who participated in the economic blockade of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea were “involved in illegal acts of a criminal nature.” The report states that fighters who joined these Batallions “used physical violence and demanded bribes” from those crossing the administrative borders of Crimea but “due to the attempt to legitimize the above mentioned groups, illegal activities have decreased.”