Joint committee on counterterrorism from Türkiye and Iraq; Congress of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP); Fans stormed soccer pitch and attacked players

The important developments of the last week in Türkiye were as follows:

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan’s meetings in Iraq within the scope of cooperation in the fight against terrorism.

The ordinary congress of the ruling partner Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

Violent incidents in the Turkish Super League match between Trabzonspor and Fenerbahçe.

Joint committee on counterterrorism from Türkiye ve Iraq

Minister of Foreign Affairs Hakan Fidan visited Iraq on 14th March.

Fidan met with his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein in Baghdad. The meeting addressed security issues and was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq. Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler, Director of the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) İbrahim Kalın, and Deputy Minister of Interior Münir Karaloğlu also attended the meeting.

Turkish press reported that discussions covered in the meeting were security and military cooperation, joint efforts against terrorist organizations, particularly the PKK, and cooperation in the energy sector.

Türkiye and Iraq agreed to establish a joint committee to work on counterterrorism. The two countries also issued a joint statement. The key points highlighted in the statement are as follows:

“These talks are a continuation of the talks held by both countries in Ankara, on December 19, 2023, where the two sides discussed their mutual Stance that will be adopted in facing regional developments and various bilateral challenges.

The two sides also discussed the ongoing preparations for the upcoming visit of His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Türkiye, to Baghdad after the holy month of Ramadan, and the work requirements with maximum potentials to prepare for this historic visit and make it successful, which is hoped to be a qualitative shift in the relations between the two friendly neighboring countries.

It was decided during the meetings to intensify work to adopt a memorandum of understanding, in order to form the structural framework in various aspects of the relations between the two countries, and hence establishing regular liaison mechanisms.


Within this context, it was decided to establish joint permanent committees that work exclusively in the fields of counter-terrorism, trade, agriculture, energy, water, health, and transportation.

The parties also underlined that the PKK poses a security threat to Türkiye and Iraq and noted that the presence of the said organization on Iraqi territory violates the Iraqi Constitution.

Türkiye welcomed the decision taken by the Iraqi National Security Council, which stipulates that PKK is a banned organization in Iraq.

During the meetings, the importance attached to Iraq’s political unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity was emphasized.

The two sides also stressed that the PKK organization represents a security threat to both Türkiye and Iraq, and it is certain that the presence of this organization on the Iraqi territory represents a violation of the Iraqi constitution.

Türkiye welcomed the Iraqi National Security Council’s decision to consider the PKK a banned organization in Iraq, the two sides consulted on the measures to be taken against the organization and its banned extensions that target Türkiye through Iraq’s territory.

The two sides also touched on the serious challenges across the region, especially the war and genocide in Gaza, and means to support the Palestinian cause were discussed.”

Following the visit, Hakan Fidan made a statement at an event, saying, “We have shared our determination to eliminate terrorist elements both within our borders and beyond with our Iraqi counterparts. We have also received assurances from them that they will collaborate with us in this regard.”

In the visit to Iraq, Fidan also met with Hasan Turan, Head of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Erşat Salihi, Member of Parliament, at Turkish Embassy in Baghdad and Mohammed Al-Halbousi, Leader of Taqaddum Party.

Congress of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP)

The incumbent Chairman Devlet Bahçeli was reelected with all the votes of 1295 delegates present in the 14th Ordinary Grand Congress of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), held at the Ankara Sports Hall.

Mustafa Elitaş, the Acting Chairman of the AK Party, Ömer Çelik, Deputy Chairman and Spokesperson of the AK Party, Belgin Uygur, Deputy Chairman of the AK Party, Bülent İspir, Deputy Chairman of the Grand Unity Party (BBP), Ayfer Yılmaz, the General Secretary of the Good Party, Hasan Erçelebi, the General Secretary of the Democratic Left Party (DSP), along with representatives and MPs from various political parties attended the Congress.

During his speech at the Congress, Bahçeli emphasized that the concept of the nation served as a unifying and integrating factor not only during the establishment of the Republic but also throughout history.

Bahçeli said that no one can discriminate anyone by ethnic origin, language or religion in Türkiye.

Bahçeli asserted that his party would put up barriers against ethnic division and would not yield to operations, stating, “Türkiye does not have a Kurdish issue; on the contrary, it has a very dangerous problem of separatism and terrorism.”

Referring to those who “try to separate Turks from Kurds, Alevis from Sunnis, Bahçeli under the guise of democracy, human rights and freedom” described them as “traitors” and “leashed sidekicks of imperialism”. Bahçeli said that those who undermine the unity and integrity of the state and nation are enemies of “both Turks and Kurds, Alevis and Sunnis”.

Bahçeli then said “The separatist terrorism problem will definitely come to an end in the new century” and “PKK, YPG, and PYD will be eliminated”. Bahçeli shared that the MHP hopes that the “Fight against Separatism and Strategic Action Plan” will dismantle the “destructive front in the country”.

Regarding President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statements about the March 31 elections, where he said, “For me, this is a final. This election is my last election according to the authority given by the law”, Bahçeli commented the following:

“I learned from the press that the speech of our President has been considered a great appetite and provocative element, especially in the left-wing circles. From here, I say to our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; ‘You cannot abandon the Turkish nation. For this reason, as the People’s Alliance, we are with you, we are behind you. We want to see you as the savior leader of the new century.’”

During the Congress, the new central executive board and central discipline board of the Party were also elected.

Fans stormed the soccer pitch and attacked players

Violent incidents erupted during the match between Trabzonspor and Fenerbahçe in Trabzonspor’s stadium in the 30th week of the Turkish Football Super League, as fans stormed the pitch and attacked the players of Fenerbahçe.

After Fenerbahçe took a 0-2 lead in the first half, Trabzonspor fans began throwing objects onto the field. Fenerbahçe’s coach, İsmail Kartal, was injured by an object thrown at his head.

In the second half, Trabzonspor supporters continued to throw objects onto the field. Meanwhile, Trabzonspor equalized the game to 2-2. In the final minutes, Fenerbahçe took the lead 2-3 and the match ended with this result.

As the match ended while Fenerbahçe players were celebrating the win in the middle of the field, some Trabzonspor fans entered the pitch and attacked the players of Fenerbahçe.

Footage emerged in press and social media showing Fenerbahçe players being attacked with sharp objects.

The Fenerbahçe team bus returned to the airport under police escort.

In 2015, shots were fired at the Fenerbahçe team bus in again city of Trabzon aiming at the driver of the bus, and the bus narrowly avoided rolling down a cliff.

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya stated that investigation had been launched that 12 people had been detained. The press, football figures and people continue to debate vigorously. Foreign media also reported the events extensively.