5 main aspects in the terrorist attack in Moscow

UWI author Onur Sinan Güzaltan was a guest on Russia Today France following the terrorist attack in Moscow.

Originally in French, the TV program was translated into English by UWI.

Mr. Güzaltan, how do you interpret the attack in Crocus City Hall?

First of all, I offer my condolences to the Russian people. That is a terrorist and barbaric attack aiming at civilian people.

I would like to point out five important aspects of the attack.

Firstly, when we analyze that terrorist attack from a geopolitical point of view, it happened just after the elections in Russia.

Secondly, the spokesperson of the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov, for the first time, used the word “war” regarding the conflict in Ukraine. I mention that, because formerly, it had been called a “special military operation”.

Thirdly, the US embassy had “warned,” I would say threatened, Russia of a terrorist attack on March 8, International Women’s Day. The terrorist attack came just after that “warning” and threat from the US embassy.

Fourthly, Russia targeted the energy infrastructure in Ukraine on March 22.

And fifthly, this terrorist attack happened at a moment when the conflict between Russia and NATO is intensifying, following the declaration of President Macron.


I want to ask a question on the last point you mentioned. How do you see this terrorist attack in the international context?

I think this terrorist attack is a provocation of NATO, particularly the US. They try to provoke Russia more and more in the conflict in Ukraine. Till now, Russia is proceeding militarily in Ukraine in a planned way. This terrorist attack aims to destabilize Russia and its military plans.