Happening today: UWI webinar ‘Mali at the crossroads of sanctions and multipolarity’

United World International is hosting a webinar on January 24th, 4PM (GMT+3) on the current situation in Mali.


Ibrahim Ikassa Maïga, Minister of Refoundation, Mali

Semih Koray, Deputy Chairman of Vatan Party (Turkey) 

Albeit a landlocked country, the Republic of Mali has turned into a conflict zone between the unipolar and the multipolar world. Formerly under strong French influence, the Republic of Mali is widening its foreign relations in accordance with the emergence of the multipolar world and the establishment of new relations between African countries and emerging powers. Under French pressure, the ECOWAS has imposed sanctions on Mali in January 2022.

The following topics will be discussed during the webinar:

  • Discussion of the ECOWAS sanctions;
  • Strengthening the cooperation between Mali and Turkey;
  • Supporting the anticolonial movement in Africa.

The webinar will also provide the participating journalists the opportunity for questions and answers.

The webinar will also be aired via the UWI Youtube Channel:


Webinar languages will be English and French with simultaneous translation. To participate, please register via editor@unitedworldint.com