Kyiv and terrorists’ collusion is part of a big US plan

Interview to Russian news agency RIA Novosti and TV Channel Tsargrad.

The Turkish newspaper Aydınlık has reported that Kyiv held talks with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorists in Syria to recruit them for operations against Russia. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Ukrainian intelligence emissaries were in the Idlib de-escalation zone on Syrian territory, where they were recruiting militants for new operations. Maria Zakharova said that Ukraine’s leadership itself had turned into a new international terrorist group with Washington and London behind it, according to tradition.

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek commented on the situation in a conversation with Russian news agency RIA Novosti and TV channel Tsargrad. He believes that all of this is part of a larger US plan to contain key geopolitical adversaries.

“There is a single center of international terrorism. This is the United States, Washington. All terrorist organizations are US tools to preserve the unipolar world. Therefore, it is not surprising that US satellites and accomplices continue this policy,” Perinçek said.

The historian recalled former US President Donald Trump’s admission that the “Islamic State” was created by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama. “Terror organizations were created by the US to realize its goals in Iraq, Syria. Foreign mercenaries who are now fighting on the side of Ukraine used to fight on the side of Syrian separatists (PKK/PYD). The USA has united its satellites with terrorists. Ukraine plays the same role in the US strategy as terrorists to encircle Russia, Türkiye, Syria, Eurasia in general. This is one unified strategy of Washington. Ukraine is a tool, terrorists are a tool,” Perinçek said.

He added that this poses a great threat to both Russia and its three allies – Iran, Syria and Türkiye. The US goal is to encircle the whole of Eurasia with such tools.

According to him, a unified position of the key players – opponents of the Atlantic system of world order – is necessary to disrupt the US plans in all regions.

The professor called on these countries to unite their efforts in the fight against terrorism – to develop a unified strategy of action and get rid of terrorist bases, starting from the Syrian Idlib and eastern Euphrates. In this way they will be able to foil US plans in Ukraine, Cyprus and the South Caucasus.