Another attempt to impeach Trump, Greta Thunberg’s UN speech, Syria vs. Turkey

President Donald Trump has been threatened with impeachment as a result of his talk with the president of Ukraine.

In a phone conversation on July 25 with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Trump suggested that his counterpart reveal information regarding Joe Biden’s family engaging in corrupt deals with the country. Former Vice President Joe Biden is currently the front-runner in the Democrat’s 2020 campaign.

Trump rejected accusations that he had pressured his Ukrainian colleague or linked financial and military aid to Ukraine based on Zelensky’s providing him with dirt on Biden… ironically, Biden is being accused of doing just that in his dealings with the country while he was serving in the Obama administration.

Greta Thunberg’s UN speech

16-year-old Swedish eco-activist Greta Tunberg accused the participants in the UN climate summit in New York of inaction and greed,  arguing that they had stolen her childhood and dreams.

Greta reminded the participants of the UN summit that as long as those in power are only interested in money and economic growth, people will continue dying around the world as a result of climate change, while ecosystems are destroyed.

Together with 15 other schoolchildren, she filed a complaint with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child against five countries – Argentina, Brazil, Turkey, Germany and France.

A new conflict between Syria and Turkey

Syria’s Foreign Ministry demanded the withdrawal of all foreign troops from its territory and declared its right to engage in countermeasures.

They accused the US and Turkey of having an illegal military presence in northern Syria and sharply criticized the idea of the creation of a security zone in the region.