Another monument to terrorists will lead to big problems for Armenia

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the Azerbaijani site Day.Az about the inauguration of the “Nemesis Monument” in Armenia, which glorifies the bloody terrorist attacks that murdered 31 Turkish diplomats. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English.


The Nemesis Monument is a disgrace. Not only for Armenia, but also for all progressive mankind, which, with the exception of the countries affected by the Armenian terror, did not react to this event. Nowhere in the world are monuments to terrorists erected, except in Armenia. Such a step by Yerevan shows that Armenia has not learned any lessons either from the old or recent events of its history.

Well-known Turkish political scientist, historian and publicist Mehmet Perinçek said this in an interview with Day.Az.

Imperialists always used Armenian nationalists as a tool, he noted. No imperialist power missed that chance.

“When we study the history of Armenian nationalism, we see that it developed in parallel with the development of the interests of external players who wanted to use Armenian separatism against Ottoman Türkiye. The roots of nationalism, collaborationism, fanaticism and aggressiveness of the Armenian nationalists are clearly visible in historical documents and their deeds. The ‘Nemesis’ monument is a continuation of these traditions. Armenian nationalism was a tool in the hands of both the British and Tsarist Russia. During the Russo-Japanese War, the Russian Armenians collaborated with the Japanese against the Russians, organized terrorist attacks inside Russia. During the First World War, they began to cooperate with Russia and the Entente against Ottoman Empire. In the days of Dashnak Armenia, the Armenian nationalist movement became a tool in the hands of the French, British and Americans against Bolshevik Russia, Azerbaijan and Türkiye. And then Armenian nationalism fell into the network of Nazi Germany and became a tool of the Nazis, used against the USSR. The use of this tool did not end there. After World War II, Armenian nationalism passed into the hands of the Americans and was used against Türkiye and other countries,” Perinçek said.

Such, according to him, is the history of Armenian nationalism. It is full of aggression, betrayal, fanaticism. After the Second Karabakh War, a favourable ground was created for the normalization of Armenia’s relations with Azerbaijan and Türkiye. But this monument shows that the Armenian side does not want this normalization, the expert believes. Yerevan is ready to miss this opportunity. Our countries will not suffer from this, but, first of all, the Armenian people themselves will do. The opening of the monument to terrorists shows that Armenia does not strive for development, which is absolutely unrealistic without cooperation with Azerbaijan and Türkiye. Armenia does not want to open its borders with these countries, does not want to trade and communicate, and does not mind the Armenian people remaining in a deplorable state.

Perinçek recalled the opening of a monument to Nzhdeh, a collaborator who collaborated with the Nazis, in Yerevan a few years ago, and stressed that these monuments isolate Armenia from its neighbours for the sake of the interests of Western countries.

“This will not harm Azerbaijan, or Türkiye, or Russia. The harm will be done to Armenia itself and its people. In order to rectify the situation, the Armenians must demolish these monuments with their own hands in order to live in peace with their neighbours, develop the economy, and solve their fundamental social and political problems. These monuments are the problem of the Armenian people and their misfortune,” Mehmet Perinçek said.