Atatürk Memorial Day, Paris Forum, Taliban talks and Poland`s March – weekly outcomes

Atatürk Memorial Day

The 10th November was an important date, marking 80 years since the death of the founder of the Republic Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

Across Turkey and beyond her boundaries, memorial ceremonies were been held. In Turkey sirens were sounded and citizens stood in a moment of silence.

In Ankara the ceremonies in memory of Atatürk took place in the Mausoleum where he is buried.

President Erdogan and other state officials participated in the ceremony. They laid a wreath on Atatürk ‘s grave and then took part in a moment of silence.

President Erdogan spoke, saying:

“Dear Atatürk, the commander-in-chief of our war of independence and the founder of the Republic Turkey, we faithfully remember you in 80th anniversary after of death. We resolutely move forward, seeking to turn, despite all internal and external attacks, the Republic Turkey left by you and our fallen heroes to us in inheritance into the strongest and prosperous country.

In 95-year anniversary from the date of foundation of the Republic Turkey the Istanbul airport which has become pride of our people has been open. Rest in peace”.

In Istanbul, citizens came to honor the memory of the founder of the Republic at Dolmabahce palace. Thousands of citizens of Istanbul participated in the commemoration ceremony. At schools, on the streets and at areas all over the country were various events took place in the life of Turkey’s great leader, ceremonies were held.

Paris events and Peace forum

The leaders of 70 over countries after gathering to commemorate the end of World War 1. The whole world celebrated the truce marking the end of the war together in the City of Lights.

By invitation of the head of the French state of Emmanuel Macron, U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian president Vladimir Putin,  and other leaders of countries that participated in the war, along with the heads of international organizations, participated in various ceremonies. Turkish President Erdogan also made an appearance. In total, 98 foreign delegations, 72 heads of state and government, and the heads of the largest international organizations participated.

Between Trump and Macron, bilateral negotiations have taken place. On the agenda of this meeting were subjects such as Iran, the conflicts in Syria and Yemen, as well as climate change and trade.

However, a day before the meeting, Trump had attacked the French president with criticism in regard to Macron’s statement that the EU needs its own army to oppose the USA, China and Russia. Trump called this statement extremely offensive in a strongly worded tweet

Nonetheless, during a press conference about the results of a meeting, Trump and Macron said they hadn’t argued, and in fact agree  that Europe has to spend more for defense.

The forum has been initiated by the president of France Emmanuel Macron and was intended as a response to growing tensions in the modern world. Heads of state and government, along with representatives of the international organizations arrived to the Forum after participation in a ceremony at the Triumphal arch and a lunch in the Élysée Palace.

Aside from Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the UN Secretary General António Guterres made speeches at the opening ceremony.

Taliban and Afghan Leaders meet for peace talks in Moscow

On November 9th, the second round of talks in Moscow between opposing forces in  Afghanistan ended to some success.  For the first time, representatives of the Taliban movement, whose office is located in Doha, took part in the Russia-hosted peace talks. The Kabul government was represented by members of the Afghanistan High Peace Council (AHPC). The Russian Foreign Ministry acted as a mediator for this unprecedented event. The US was invited to participate in the talks, but the Trump administration declined.

The outcome of the meeting saw the parties agreeing to continue diplomatic dialogue. Ehsan Taheri, an official representative of the AHPC, declared his readiness to hold direct talks between the Ashraf Ghani’s government and the Taliban without preconditions. Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanikzai, the leader of the Taliban delegation, in his turn, stressed that the main condition for peace in Afghanistan is to put an end to the 17-year-long invasion of foreign militia forces led by the US and its allies.

Stanikzai spoke with the press about terrorism and the current government of Afghanistan, claiming that the current government is not legitimate, and that the Taliban sees the USA as the real force behind the state.  According to Stanikzai, the Taliban is ready to hold direct talks with the Americans, but not with the Kabul government. Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanakzai said that Washington had brought real terrorists represented by Daesh and other groups from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan.

The Moscow negotiations between Taliban’s leaders and AHPC will continue, but it remains to be seen whether these talks will bring the war-torn country any closer to peace.

Poland`s march

More than 200 thousand people participated in a march in Warsaw commemorating the 100th year anniversary of the independence of Poland.

This day is one of the most esteemed holidays in Poland. Three joint marches took place – the pro-government, the nationalist and the leftist.

“Let it will be a joint march. I want that we together went under white-red banners: in the atmosphere of joy, paying a tribute of respect to our heroes and the state” — Andrzej Duda said, addressing the participants of a march.