ABD, müttefiki Türkiye ile ne yapmaya çalışıyor? Türkiye’ye karşı sürekli ikiyüzlü bir politika yürüten ABD’nin ikiyüzlülüğü son dönemde iyice zıvanadan çıkmış görünüyor. Amerikan filmlerinde gördüğümüz iyi polis-kötü polis taktikleri ile zaten kopma noktasına gelen Türkiye-ABD ilişkileri nereye kadar devam edecek? BAŞKAN ÖVÜYOR-BAKANI, VEKİLLERİ TEHDİT EDİYOR Son dönemde, ABD Başkan Trump, sürekli Türkiye’yi ve Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’a öve öve bitiremezken, ...

NATO Summit The 70th anniversary NATO summit was held in London. During the leaders’ meeting, the parties signed a document in which they reaffirmed their commitment to the alliance. Nonetheless, the summit and statements of the leaders of Turkey and France on the eve of the event revealed many internal contradictions and the outdated model of the alliance, the constraints ...

Mass demonstrations are once again taking place in Algeria, with hundreds and sometimes thousands of protesters taking to the streets. The protesters who overthrew President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in April now oppose the presidential election scheduled for 12 December, calling it a masquerade. Protesters come out regularly every Friday, the main slogan being “a civil, not a military state”. Reasons for ...

The historic war between South Yemen and North Yemen has resumed, and the country is once again at risk of secession. However, this time around, the threat of secession is felt more than ever, a threat that will stir the Middle East apart from Yemen and the Arabian Peninsula.   ACTIVE GROUPS IN THE YEMENI WAR AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP WITH ...

In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper we will discuss the main factors which may impede the Labour Party from getting a majority and what historic experience indicates as the main keys for claiming hegemony. We will also examine the Brexit and EU question, under ...

On December 4, Al Arabiya reported that the GNA headquarters in Tripoli was surrounded by militants from Misrata. According to media reports, there have been armed clashes between the Presidential Council of Libya’s UN-backed Government of National Accord (Fayez Al Sarraj) and the armed gangs of Misrata. On December 8, representatives of GNA declared that Haftar’s forces had been prevented ...

The British elections scheduled to take place on December 12th constitute a milestone for the evolution of the European and global situation. They are the most important elections in Europe after those in Greece in 2015, which brought a radical, anti-systemic force to the EU and NATO– or, at least, a force pretending to be such, and voted in because ...

NATO’s anniversary summit recently came to a close in London, where 29 NATO members summed up the results of the alliance summit held in London on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the military bloc. This time, the role of “bad guys” was played not by US President Donald Trump, but by the leaders of France and Turkey – ...

“The one who rules the seas, rules the world”  Barbaros Hayreddin Paşa, Grand Admiral of the Turkish Fleet in the sixteenth century The attention of the EU and NATO has recently been fixated on new agreements between Turkey and the Prime Minister of the Government of National Accord in Libya Fayez al-Sarraj concerning issues of sovereignty over maritime zones in the ...

​Türkiye’nin S-400 hava savunma ve füze sistemi testlerine başlaması, ABD’de geniş yankı uyandırırken, sürecin perde arkasındaki gelişmeler, “Testlerin başladığı haberi iletişim kazasıyla mı ortaya çıktı, yoksa üst düzey yetkililer tarafından bilinçli bir sızdırma operasyonu muydu?” sorusunu gündeme getirdi. Yoksa Türkiye, bu testlerin ABD tarafından duyulmasını isteyip nasıl tepki vereceğini mi “test” etmek istedi.​ İLK İŞARET VALİLİKTEN ​Geçen hafta başına dönecek ...