Europe Triumph of the Right in Spain The Eurosceptic right-wing Spanish party Vox was the main winner in the recent parliamentary elections in Spain, which took place on November 10. VOX won 52 seats in parliament, becoming the third most powerful political force in Spain. Compared to the elections had been held in April, VOX increased the number of seats in parliament by 28 seats. The Socialist Workers Party ...
Iranian Authorities (of the Government, Judiciary branch and Parliament) knew well that their decision to triple the price of gasoline was going to lead to strong civil dissatisfaction, and that people would likely take to the streets to express their opposition to the measure. It is worth mentioning that the Iranian government’s decision only affected the type of gas which ...
Protests in the Shia crescent: Iraq, Iran and Lebanon Several Middle Eastern Shia-majority countries have recently been rocked by mass protests. The protests which started in October in Iraq led to the resignation of the country’s PM, Adil Abdul-Mahdi. The protesters demands include calling for new elections (to fight ‘corruption’) and the withdrawal of the Iranian influence on Iraq (Shia ...
Although the ongoing protests in Iraq, Lebanon and Algeria began as a result of internal factors, there are many indications of US, Israeli, French and Saudi Arabian involvement. Non-governmental organizations, media forces and lobbies are being used as tools by external forces to take control of and guide the protests in their own interests. Before explaining the precise actions of ...
The Government of the Hong Kong Special Autonomous Region has announced its opposition to the US’ recently passed law on the protection of human rights and democracy in Hong Kong. On November 27, US President Donald Trump signed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 into law. The essence of the law The Hong Kong Democracy and Human Rights Act requires the ...
It is something of an open secret that despite the US attempting to dominate Iraq with an all out invasion, it has been Iran and its allies who have been able to benefit from the aftermath of Washington’s attack. The Americans are naturally less than happy with this outcome, and have done their best ever since to curtail Iranian influence ...
Sürekli dünya ülkelerine insan hakları dersi vermeyi alışkanlık haline getiren ABD, başta Afganistan olmak üzere birçok ülkede yaptığı katliamları, insan hakları ihlallerini görmekte zorlanıyor veya görmezden, duymazdan geliyor. Türkiye’ye son dönemde insan hakkı ihlalleri gerekçesiyle “ayar” vermeye çalışan ABD; yıllardır işlediği insanlık suçları ile yüzleşmek yerine, “duymadım, görmedim, bilmiyorum” oyununu oynamayı tercih ediyor. BENİM TERÖRİSTİM İYİDİR ÇABASI ABD Başkanı ...
Mass protests have been held in Iraq for more than a month. Al-Tahrir Square in central Baghdad has become the epicenter of revolutionary events. However, the experts are in no hurry to say what type of revolution it may be. The actions of the protesters strongly resemble the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004 (in Iraq, youth also celebrate weddings ...
Instability in Iran Following the November 15 hike in gasoline prices (from 11,000 to 20,000 Iranian rials per liter), a wave of street protests began in cities across Iran, in many places turning into riots. Rioters set fire to banks, shops, gas stations and clashed with police. There are reports that some of the belligerents opened fire on law enforcement ...
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin çeşitli kademelerinde, yurtiçi, yurtdışı ve Orta Doğu görevlerinde bulunan Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Süleyman Özmen için özel değerlendirmelerde bulundu. “Soğuk savaş sonrası dünya üzerinde bozulan güç dengesi ABD’nin lehine olacak şekilde değişti. ABD ve Batı yönetimleri Doğu’ya doğru hareket etmeye başladı. Bu hareket, küresel teröre karşı mücadele, demokratikleştirme, insan hakları ihlallerinin önlenmesi gibi sebepler öne sürülerek meşrulaştırılmaya ...