Kurds constitute 10% of Iran’s population, generally residing along its western borders. There is a perfect relationship between the Kurdish people and the Iranian government. However, there also exists a limited separatist movement among the Kurds, which makes the Kurdish question paradoxical. KURDISH GROUPS IN IRAN Eight major groups have managed to include Iranian Kurds in their organization, however, it ...

Most western experts (and western journalists) have negatively evaluated President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria. Over the past month, the president has been accused of chaotic policies (an accusation which is already customary) and acting to the detriment of the interests of the United States and to the benefit of Russia (an even more familiar accusation) and even ...

A change of tactics The protests in Hong Kong have long since spilled over from peaceful channels into violent clashes between participants and the police. This time the battlefield has moved to the universities. On five campuses in China, students turned their universities into insurgent fortresses. The ensuing conflicts resembled medieval battles interspersed with the madness of Mad Max aesthetics: ...

Gazeteci-Yazar Şaban Sevinç, Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile ABD Başkanı Trump arasında Beyaz Saray’da gerçekleşen zirveyi uwidata.com için değerlendirdi. “Zirve’nin Türkiye açısından pek de faydalı olmadığını, tam aksi gelişmelerin yaşandığını” belirten Sevinç, “Gönül isterdi ki, Fethullah Gülen’in iadesi konusunda bir adım veya ABD’ye göre General, bize göre terörist olan Suriye’deki YPG lideri Mazlum Kobani hakkında bir gelişme. Ya da Türk halkının vergileriyle ...

It will soon have been a month since thousands of people began to demonstrate in the Santiago de Chile Metro. The ostensible reason for the demonstrations was an increase in public transit ticket prices which has been successive since 2007, increasing 3 times in 2018 alone. The protests quickly grew out of control and became violent, leaving 22 dead and ...

Yellow vests  The one year anniversary of the Yellow Vests protests took place this week in France. Over the course of a year, opponents of French President Emmanuel Macron’s liberal reforms have organized 53 “acts,” as the weekly protests have been designated. Dozens of people were arrested in connection with the latest demonstration. The protests began in 2018 with local ...

Having oil and gas resources can be one of the most important pillars of the overall economic policy of the ruling economy, which can rightly be a good fit for the country’s economy in the face of current and ongoing crises and for its long-term development and impact. In industrial, manufacturing and overall economic activities of the country, energy and ...

In November 2018 French President Emmanuel Macron called for the formation of a “European army”, sparking a debate among experts and the anger of U.S. President Donald Trump. One year later, in November 2019, President Macron declared that “What we are experiencing is the brain death of NATO”. [1]  His statement, as well as the actions of some NATO members ...

Qatar is Iran’s southern neighbor and has a similar economic structure to Iran. The two neighbors have an economy that relies on their huge energy resources, so there was no significant opportunity for cross-border trade between the two countries. Political relations between Iran and Qatar on both sides of the Persian Gulf have so far been stable. Contrary to the ...

Türkiye’nin Suriye’nin Kuzeyine başlattığı “Barış Pınarı” harekatı sonrası ilişkilerin iyice gerginleştiği iki ülkenin liderleri ilk defa yüz yüze görüştü. Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ile ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’ın bir araya geldiği Beyaz Saray toplantılarının ayrıntıları da ortaya çıkmaya başladı. Karşılıklı açıklamaları irdelediğimizde, zirvenin S-400’ler, F-35’ler ve ABD’nin hamisi PKK/YPG konularında tıkandığını, kısaca bir arpa boyu yol alınmadığını anlıyoruz.  Hatta o ...