The demonstrations in Iraq have now been ongoing for four weeks, leaving hundreds dead and thousands injured, with no solution in sight. All they want is their homeland, a better future in a country they build by themselves, yet they're treated like terrorists!!!More than 350 dead and more than 15000 injured!#savetheiraqipeople#Iraq #العراق — Hanadi Elias (@hanadi_elias) November 10, 2019 ...
A source close to a U.S. NGO has handed to the UWI a secret plan devised by the U.S. globalists for triggering a spate of tensions among Iran, Turkey, Russia, and Armenia. Certain globalist quarters in the U.S. find the success of consultations and decisions on developments in Syria taken in the format of the Astana troika (Russia, Turkey and ...
Gerek Türkiye tarafında gerekse ABD tarafında, günlerdir tartışma konusu olan, “Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan ile ABD Başkanı Trump görüşsün mü? Görüşmesin mi?” tartışması nihayet son buluyor. Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, ABD Başkanı Donald’ın daveti üzerine 13 Kasım’da Washington’a gidiyor. Beyaz Saray’da yapılacak görüşmelerin ardından iki liderin bir de öğle yemeği yiyeceği açıklandı. EN GERGİN GÖRÜŞME İki liderin “görüşsünler mi? görüşmesinler mi?” tartışmaları ...
On Sunday, November 10, parliamentary elections were held in Spain for the second time this year. The parties elected in the first contest in April have been unable to agree on who should serve as President, leaving the government in a deadlock. As a result, new elections were called to end the stalemate. The new negotiations are taking place against ...
The international media has been abuzz with stories of Evo Morales stepping down as president of Bolivia. Many have suggested that his ouster was the result of a “Coup d’etat”, while different international media has avoided using the term. Agradezco a nombre de mi pueblo las muestras espontáneas de apoyo a nuestro gobierno democrático que fue derrocado por el golpe cívico-político-policial que ...
Erdogan in Hungary A joint press conference featuring Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban was held in Budapest related to the two countries’ high-level strategic cooperation council. During the meeting, Orban indicated that Hungary would be pleased to join the Turkish project to restore Syria. Orban said that he and Erdoğan had discussed ...
Turkey is commemorating Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Founder of the Republic of Turkey, who passed away 81 years ago. Every year, all of Turkey observes a moment of silence on November 10 to honor Atatürk’s memory. At 9:05, sirens go off across the country. Everyone stops and keeps silence for a minute, remembering Atatürk and his accomplishments. Many ...
The fourth Hungary-Turkey high-level strategic council meeting was held in Budapest on November 7. The President of Turkey visited Budapest to meet with Hungarian President János Áder and Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The politicians discussed cooperation in the fields of security, energy and culture, the EU and migration.[0]=68.ARA1Inr-Z8FkaNa5-OIwk2nFZcRBjuyoHxXL6eModkvLB9XwesoXn67ye5rwEgp6HbnIUNsWh6JW0fOrtpEPMBQX4QRbOsBzjS6pMwaTNe55RHfKqomJyJ9gmVKbXxq8F3cRxcQvpaTurNIUTN3MmcatjFis8v1hClktRyLR29Skqwy1QDIxwKbwBfDC1vagcsFHFqoGDC0q7T6B2pntTfUH7enRHhVge4PgK_6NlJFWA3njFu19OU8dLANOl5RJpBp3QzszCqCJjsecISFYGkSeYiVdSDdpf663zCgHAbxlaWHSmHVavbgbNKssrGsvKaPkc_VwBwIMuCu8dwz0Z0jVVlNDIOt8&__tn__=-R The meeting was the result of an agreement reached in 2013 ...
Daha önce bazı Avrupa ülkelerinin, 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin ardından Türkiye’den kaçan FETÖ’cülere nasıl kol kanat açtıklarını bu köşeden yazmıştım. AK Parti tarafından hazırlanan bir raporda, bu defa bazı Avrupa ülkelerinin terör örgütü PKK’ya resmen “yardım ve yataklık” yaptıkları dile getirildi. Türkiye’ye karşı terörle mücadele de her zaman olduğu gibi ikiyüzlü davranan Avrupa ülkelerinin, binlerle masum insanın ölümünden sorumlu terör ...
US foreign policy can almost be summarized in the fact that the country has 600 military bases around the world and Washington’s astronomical annual funding for both warfare and “soft power” efforts. Despite how incredibly concerned their leadership evidently is with the issue, Americans, for the most part, have little interest in foreign policy. If anything there is a penchant ...