October 31 is the date when Great Britain is scheduled to withdraw from the EU. No matter how opponents of Brexit delay the move, sooner or later it will take place. Exiting the EU entails a lot of problems for the political elite, but most crucially it represents the possibility of London making a serious geopolitical shift. For the past 3 years, the British ...
By now word has spread about the hotly contested $6 tax on WhatsApp calls in Lebanon, but are the mass protests really about a tax hike a social media app? The Lebanese government has already announced that it will not go through with imposing the tax… yet, the people are in the streets. In other words, it is no ...
An explosion ripped through the Sabiti, an oil tanker of the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC), at 05:20 on October 11 in the Red Sea, 60 nautical miles to the southwest of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, supposedly after a missile strike, Iranian media reports said minutes after the incident. Two of the tanker’s reservoirs sustained serious damage and some amounts of ...
It was already clear that the center-left in the United States was poised to change directions in 2016. Clinton’s campaign spared no expense in their effort to push their widely detested candidate from her position as a Secretary of State into the oval office. “It’s her turn”, we were told, and if the Democrat’s voter base had to be taken ...
Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi Genel Başkanı Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu katıldığı bir televizyon programında “Ben ve tüm ailem başta olmak üzere, tüm arkadaşlarımın telefonları dinleniyor” dedi. Telefon dinleme olaylarına uzunca yıllarımı geçirdiğim adliye ve emniyet koridorlarından aşikârım. O dönemler birçok telefon dinleme vakasını haber yapmıştım. Ancak 15 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde yaşadığımız hain darbe girişiminin ardından Fettullahçı Terör Örgütü (FETÖ) mensubu olan yargıçların ve ...
Protests in Lebanon Throughout the week a number of protests took place in various countries across the globe. In Lebanon, demonstrations began on the evening of October 17 against the government’s new tax policy. The protesters showcased their rejection of the government’s decision to introduce a $6 dollar a month tax for calls made on the popular social media app ...
Vladimir Putin made his way to Saudi Arabia twelve years after his first trip to Saudi Arabia. In recent years, Russia has been able to improve its economy by not only utilizing energy exports, but also gradually increasing its power resources, demanding a greater role in regional and global equations. Foreign Minister Adel al-Jabir says in the shadow of Saudi ...
The United States, under the pretext of “exporting democracy”, has carried out military interventions in numerous countries, primarily Iraq and Afghanistan. Its’ aggressive actions have provoked large-scale military clashes and left thousands of people dead. Despite its ostensible motivation, not only are there still no hints of democratic institutions in these countries today, the military actions have been continuous for ...
Although Qatar is a small country, it plays a prominent role in the international arena. It had, however, failed to play a serious role in the Middle East due to Saudi pressure – however, today, it has become one of the biggest threats to the Kingdom primarily due to Saudi leaderships’ poor decision making. RELATIONS BETWEEN QATAR AND TURKEY The ...
On October 13, several Catalan separatist leaders were sentenced to 13, 12 and 9 years in prison for trying to declare independence from Spain via an illegal referendum in 2017. Immediately after the sentence was announced, radical independence groups went into the streets of Catalonia and began to institute chaos and violence. The protesters attempted to take over the Barcelona ...