The ruling pro-American Law and Justice party won the general election in Poland and got an independent majority in the Sejm (the lower house of the Polish Parliament). Despite the record mobilization of the electorate, PiS was only able to repeat the result it reached 4 years ago. In addition, it lost the majority in the Senate (the upper house). ...

October 12 is a day of celebration in Spain and throughout Latin America. It is the national day of Spain and Hispanic Americans, marking the arrival of Christopher Columbus in America in 1492. In the first part of this article, I discussed how the balkanization process of Ibero-America was carried out and the wealth and potential this region of South ...

In 2017, Lenin Moreno won the presidential elections in Ecuador with a program of a progressive government, continuing the line of former President Rafael Correa (2007-2017). But after a few weeks in office, he began to take unpopular measures, moving away from his electoral program and beginning a dialogue with sectors that represented the interests of banks and big business. ...

Süleyman Özmen, Head of International Affairs Department (Rumeli University in Istanbul) and member of the Turkish Armed Forces, stressed in an interview with that events in the region are precursors to a major war. He notes that”the main goal is to ignite a large-scale ethnic and religious clash.” According to Özmen, one operation will not be enough to destroy terrorism ...

ABD, Irak ve Afganistan olmak üzere birçok ülkeye “demokrasi getireceğim” diyerek askeri harekâtlar düzenledi. Daha doğrusu savaşlar başlattı. Sonuç da o ülkelere bırakın “demokrasi” getirmeyi yıllardır çatışmalar hala devam ediyor. Olan ise hayatını kaybeden binlerce masum insana oluyor. Türkiye ise tehdit olarak gördüğü bir terör örgütüne karşı ABD ve Rusya ile anlaşmalı olarak belirlenen bir bölgeyi arındırmak için 9 Ekim ...

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Chairman of the People’s Republican Party (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi – CHP), began his speech at parliamentary faction session by mentioning the recent CHP international conference on Syria which was held in Istanbul. Kılıçdaroğlu stressed that the Middle East is engulfed in conflict, with military operations being conducted in Syria, Yemen and Iraq. WE HAVE DONE WHAT THE AUTHORITIES ...

Turkish operation in Syria Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the launch of the military operation “Source of Peace” in Syria, targeting the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and the Islamic State. Erdogan claims that the purpose of the operation is to destroy the terrorist corridor these forces are trying to create on Turkey’s southern border. The Pentagon’s Mark Esper suggested that ...

Donald Trump and Khalifa Haftar are coming closer and closer together, which implies that the confrontation between Libyan Interim Government coalition and the National Forces Alliance (NFC) will soon become inevitable. The United States, Israel, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates all support Haftar. Haftar himself is actively oppressing Libyan Muslims under the pretext of fighting ISIS. LIBYA’S ...

On October 13, presidential elections will take place in Tunisia. The second round of the elections will feature famous liberal media tycoon Nabil Karoui and a conservative candidate Kaïs Saïed, who has been nicknamed “Robocop.” The winning candidate will be appointed for a five-year term and will exercise control over defense, foreign policy and national security. Given Tunisia’s role as ...

Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri’nin çeşitli kademelerinde yurtiçi ve yurtdışı Orta Doğu görevlerinde bulunan Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Süleyman Özmen, gelişmelerin önümüzdeki süreçte büyük bir savaşın işareti olduğunu belirterek, “Asıl amaç geniş çaplı mezhep-etnik köken savaşıdır” dedi. Harekâtın tek başına terörü temizlemek için yeterli olamayacağını belirten Özmen, Suriye Milli Ordusu/Özgür Suriye Ordusu (SMO/ÖSO) ile ilgili de, “ÖSO, ne kadar özgür sorgulanmalı” uyarısında bulundu. ...