What began as isolated protests against a standard criminal-extradition law has somehow erupted into a violent fury throughout Hong Kong. The Chinese city’s American-and-British-flag-waving protesters are, on the one hand, calling for “freedom, human rights, and democracy” while, on the other, assaulting police and even random bystanders alike. Western media have already been on the offensive against Beijing’s claims that ...

In recent years, thanks to the development of Turkey’s transit fleet and the emergence of a vibrant and active private sector in this sector, Turkey has been able to take a fair share of the road transport market with the countries of the region by creating competitive advantages. Turkey and the Modern Silk Road Project is an important initiative in ...

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Putin, who recovered Russia which was politically, economically and socially dispersed, once again succeeded in making Moscow one of the center of the world in foreign policy.  Through the period we have been passing in which the relations between Turkey and Russia are deepening and the paths of the two countries are aligned,understanding ...

Sudan Agreement The first agreements between military and civilians have been reached in Sudan following months of turmoil. According to the newly signed constitutional declaration, a sovereign council will become the highest authority in Sudan during the transition period pending upcoming elections. The console will include five representatives of the military and five civilian figures, and one figure elected by ...

Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ bills itself as an effort at establishing peace between Israel and Palestine, but in reality aims at advancing Israel’s interests, and fundamentally altering the geopolitical balance of the Middle East. THE US’ TRUE MOTIVATIONS The US established a new strategy in the Middle East after the end of World War II based on both its ...

TÜRKİYE Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, ABD ile Suriye sınırında oluşturulacak ‘güvenli bölge’ hakkında açıklamalarda bulundu. “Münbiç sürecini hatırlatarak ABD’nin oyalama taktiğinin be defa kabul görmeyeceğini” belirten Çavuşoğlu, “ABD’nin hala PKK/YPG’ye silah yardımı yapmaya devam ettiğini” söyledi. Çavuşoğlu’ndan Fırat’ın doğusu mesajı. “Temizlenecek, kararlılığımızda hiçbir değişiklik yok” pic.twitter.com/TTwG3EA861 — ÜLKE TV (@ulketv) 11 августа 2019 г. ABD ile kurulan mutabakat doğrultusunda hazırlıkların ...

A recent story by the Washington Post revealed that Facebook’s algorithms had censored the United States’ Declaration of Independence, flagging it for alleged “hate speech”.  The post was removed from the social network because it contained the phrase “merciless Indian Savages.” The post was later restored, but not before the incident began to be discussed around the world. There were ...

Son yıllarda ABD-Türkiye arasında yaşanan krizler nedeniyle iki ülke arasında bir güven sorununun yaşandığı ortada. İki ülkenin de  “rafa” kaldırılan “kriz” sorunlarının ardından, şimdi de  “güven” sorununun tırmandığı açıkça görülüyor. Her iki taraf da beklemede. İşte bu nedenle de uzmanlar, bu güven sorununa dikkat çekerek Türk yetkilileri uyarıyor. ABD’YE GÜVENMEMEYİ ÖĞRENİN Emekli Tuğgeneral, Stratejist ve Jeopolitist, “Tarih Boyu Savaş ve ...

US President Donald Trump has maintained strong economic pressure against Venezuela, having signed numerous decrees blocking the assets of the Venezuelan authorities within US jurisdiction. Giants such as the Central Bank of Venezuela and the state-owned oil company PDVSA were also included in the sanctions list. Now, Washington has announced it will even impose sanctions against foreign citizens supporting or ...

Safe zone in Syria Turkish-American talks on creating a safe zone in northern Syria took place in Ankara this week. According to the Turkish Ministry of Defense, Turkey and the United States have agreed to establish a coordination center for joint operations in establishing the peace corridor. https://uwidata.com/4836-turkey-and-us-come-to-agreement-on-creation-of-security-zone/ Argentine elections On Sunday, primary elections took place in Argentina. According to ...