Argentina recently held their primary elections for the leadership of the country. The so-called “PASO” elections are essentially a prelude to the general presidential elections. Those who receive less than 1.5% of the vote are barred from participating in the general elections which will take place in October. Peronism, represented by former Argentine president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and Alberto ...

Guatemala is currently holding the second round of its presidential elections. With about 98% of polling places reporting, it seems that Giammattei had about 58% of votes, compared to about 42% for Sandra Torres. The first round took place on June 16 (parliamentary and presidential). The winner will be tasked with managing the most populous country in Central America and ...

Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti (KKTC) Silahlı Kuvvetler Günü olarak kutlanan “1 Ağustos Toplumsal Direniş Bayramı” ile Kıbrıs‘ın Türkler tarafından fethinin 448’inci, KKTC Türk Mukavemet Teşkilatının kuruluşunun (TMT) 61’inci, KKTC Güvenlik Kuvvetleri Komutanlığının kuruluşunun 43’üncü yıl dönümü dolayısıyla Gazi Orduevi’nde resepsiyon verildi. Kutlamalara katılan Milli Savunma Bakanı Hulusi Akar, “Türkiye’nin garantörlüğünü, çeşitli söylem ve tanımlamalarla hafifletmeye, saptırmaya çalışmanın hiçbir anlamı yok. Bu beyhude bir ...

The long-standing dispute between India and Pakistan over Kashmir threatens to turn into an all-out armed conflict. The issue has become a bargaining chip countries to use in order to negotiate profitable deals. Can the crisis be mitigated, and who could effectively negotiate a compromise? Kashmir has been split between India and Pakistan since it was partitioned in 1947. Both ...

Turkey and the United States seem to have finally reached some level of agreement regarding the creation of a security zone in Syria, an issue which had long strained the already tense relations between the two countries. Nonetheless, the decision likely doesn’t mean the end of the conflict over the issue. Following three days of talks which began on August ...

Türkiye ile ABD arasında son günlerde tırmanan ‘güvenli bölge’ krizi nihayet aşıldı. Ankara’da üç gün süren görüşmelerin ardından uzlaşma sağlandığı resmen açıklandı. ABD ile uzun süredir devam eden, S-400 krizinin ardından başlayan ‘güvenli bölge’ tartışmasında her iki tarafın yaptığı açıklamalar gerilimin tırmanmasına neden olmuştu. Görüşmelerin tamamlanmasının ardından her iki taraf da yazılı bir açıklama yaparak mutabakat sağlandığını duyurdu. Milli Savunma ...

Boris Johnson recently became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom by a majority vote of the Conservative Party, despite his spotty reputation. This has generated a lot of worry, as any poorly considered action on his part could endanger the EU and his premiership.   WHO IS THE NEW RESIDENT OF HOUSE DOWNING STREET? Boris Johnson is of Turkish, French ...

ABD’nin “Suriye’ye askeri harekât düzenlemesi kabul edilemez” sözlerine: Erdoğan’dan sert yanıt: “ABD’DEN GERÇEK BİR MÜTTEFİKE YAKIŞIR ADIMLAR BEKLİYORUZ” Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, birkaç gün önce Fırat’ın doğusuna operasyon başlatılacağını belirterek, “Bunu Rusya ve Amerika ile de paylaştık.” açıklaması yaptı.    ABD Savunma Bakanı Mark Esper, Türkiye’nin Kuzey Suriye’de askeri harekât düzenlemesinin “kabul edilemeyeceğini, ABD’nin, tek taraflı bu tip bir ...

The recent downing of an American “Global Hawk” drone by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards is evidence of Iran’s advanced defensive capability. Iran has proven that it can answer a direct military threat, even from a global power like the US. The same can be said for the UK, whose international immunity provided by world authorities was unable to prevent its ...

Once Saudi Arabia’ key ally in Yemen war, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), has seemingly parted ways with Riyadh, leaving North Yemen and calling for the independence of South Yemen. Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, believes in Ansarullah hegemony in the north, fearing Iran’s influence will spread in the region. This has led to new friction between Riyadh and ...