Gazeteci Cemal Kaşıkçı’nın Suudi Arabistan’ın İstanbul Başkonsolosluğu’nda hunharca öldürülmesinin üzerinden tam bir yıl geçti. Ancak halen cesedinin akıbeti belli değil. Washington Post yazarı Suudi gazeteci Cemal Kaşıkçı, evlilik işlemleri için 2 Ekim 2018’de girdiği Suudi Arabistan’ın İstanbul Başkonsolosluğu’ndan bir daha çıkamadı. Kaşıkçı’nın başkonsoloslukta öldürülüp cesedinin ortadan kaldırılması olayı, Türkiye ve dünya gündemine oturdu. Olayın ardından Türk makamları geniş çaplı bir ...
Those who brutally assassinated Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul likely never imagined that they would be cursed indefinitely by their victim. They most likely thought that the support of Mohammad Bin Salman, the Saudi Arabian crown prince, and his allies in the United States’ government would be enough to assure that no one would dare question the ...
Since the early 2000s, international terrorism has been the number one threat to global security. Radical groups operate throughout the vast expanse of the Islamic world: from Morocco to Indonesia. Residents of countries where Muslims do not make up the majority of the population have also become victims of the attacks, such as during the 9/11 attacks in the United States, the terrorist ...
President Donald Trump has been threatened with impeachment as a result of his talk with the president of Ukraine. In a phone conversation on July 25 with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, Trump suggested that his counterpart reveal information regarding Joe Biden’s family engaging in corrupt deals with the country. Former Vice President Joe Biden is currently the front-runner in the ...
Washington has begun to spin its web of influence in the areas where China meets the West, particularly in Hong Kong, the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region and Kashmir. The US is looming over these troubled regions like a spider, waiting for its victim to be rendered helpless. Although the US has begun to pivot heavily toward China, it has not ...
Son dönemde ABD ile yaşanan F-35 krizini üstü kapalı eleştiren Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, “Hedefimiz 2023 yılında savunma sanayinde dışa bağımlılığımızı tamamen ortadan kaldırmaktır. Yaşananlar kararlılığımızı artırdı. Nasıl helikopterimizi yaptıysak, savaş uçağımızı da yapacağız” dedi. İstanbul Tersane Komutanlığında MİLGEM Projesi 4. Gemisinin hizmete giriş töreninde konuşan Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, “Bugün dünyanın en büyük 100 savunma şirketi arasına giren beş firmamız bulunuyor. ...
Even if he had not accomplished anything else, Jacques Chirac will be remembered for three of his policies which bear a historic and global significance. First, he opposed the Iraq war and the subsequent threats to Iran, expressing also his support for a “multipolar”, more democratic world order. Second, he provided French citizens with the possibility to have their say ...
The increasing use of energy in the contemporary international system has made the countries located along the transmission route more important. The effort to transform the way in which more and more energy, especially oil and natural gas is increasingly transmitted to economic interests, adds to the political and security capability of countries. Considering the importance of this, countries are ...
As of late, Fridays for a huge number of young people have not been associated with bars, parties or going to the movies: instead, they have become associated with environmentalist climate strikes. This is predominantly thanks to one 16-year-old Swedish girl named Greta Thunberg, who suffers from Asperger’s syndrome, and has become the face of the international climate change movement. ...
However, the elections will be held among massive social confusion and ambiguity: the candidates need not only win the loyalty of people, they must also be recognized by the Taliban, the main opposition force in the country. Without question, the coming presidential election will be one of the most important events for the people of Afghanistan. Despite the fact that ...