Ever since tragedy struck on 9/11, numerous discussions and arguments about what actually took place on that day have continued. Many people contend that there are numerous technical inconsistencies Washington’s version of events, while others argue that the attack may have served as a pretext for the  intervention in Afghanistan that immediately followed. For further reading regarding the debate around ...

Following in the footsteps of ex-Minister of Economy Ali Babacan, who left the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and announced his intention to create a new party together with ex-President Abdullah Gül, former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has also announcing his resignation. Davutoğlu and his team, pre-empting the start of a process to expel them from the party, announced they ...

Yemen’s Ansar Allah has officially claimed responsibility for the drone attacks against ARAMCO oil facilities which resulted in Saudi Arabia’s oil production being cut in half. Nonetheless, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, President Donald Trump and Saudi officials are claiming that Iran was actually the one responsible for the attack. First, allow me to explain why I am referring to ...

Davutoğlu Former Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu announced his resignation from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) on Friday. The AKP unanimously agreed to raise the question of Davutoglu’s expulsion, as well as the head of the parliamentary human rights commission, Ayhan Sefer Üstün, the deputy from Istanbul Abdullah Başcıand former Manisa deputy Selçuk Özden. A founder and prominent figure in the ...

Türkiye, Rusya ve İran; Ankara’daki Suriye konulu Türkiye-Rusya-İran Üçlü Zirvesi’nde Suriye’nin toprak bütünlüğünün ve siyasi birliğinin muhafazası için mutabakata vardı. Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin ve İran Cumhurbaşkanı Hasan Ruhani’nin katılımıyla Çankaya Köşkü’nde yapılan Suriye konulu Türkiye-Rusya-İran Üçlü Zirvesi’nin ardından ortak basın toplantısı düzenlendi. Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, “Suriye” konulu üçlü zirve toplantısı sonrasında yaptığı açıklamada, “Geldiğimiz nokta ...

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has again called on compatriots to have more children while calling on authorities to help families increase the population amid crippling economic sanctions, high unemployment and staggering inflation rates. Inspired by the size of the population in China and India, Khamenei urged for advancing Iran’s national power by doubling its current population of 83 million ...

Most analysts agree that Donald Trump’s main motivation for dismissing his National Security Advisor, John Bolton, was that Bolton had been giving off the impression that he was the real decision-maker in the White House, while the president was merely a talking puppet. Looking at Trump’s career, even before coming into office, it is clear that he is a man ...

On Wednesday, the US Supreme Court reaffirmed the president’s right to limit asylum requests for migrants from Central and South America. Trump hailed the decision as a “big victory,” while his opponents issued heavy criticism. According to the new ruling, migrants who cross over the United States’ southern border will be required to prove that other states along the way ...

AK Parti hükumetinde uzun süre ekonomi bakanlığı yapan ve Eski Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül ile birlikte yeni parti kuracağını açıklayarak partisinden istifa eden Ali Babacan’ın ardından, eski Başbakanlardan Ahmet Davutoğlu’da istifa etti. Uzun süredir parti içerisinde hedef tahtasına konulan ve hakkında ihraç süreci başlatılan eski Başbakanlardan Ahmet Davutoğlu ihraç sürecini beklemeden ekibi ile birlikte partisinden istifa ettiğini açıkladı. AK Parti yönetimine yönelik ...

Dışişleri Bakanı Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, ABD ile devam eden güvenli bölge çalışmalarına ilişkin oldukça sert mesajlar verdi. “ABD sadece kozmetik adımlar atıyor. Ancak Türkiye bu konuda net” diyen Çavuşoğlu, ABD’nin terör örgütünden bağımsız hareket edemediğini söyledi. Çavuşoğlu’nun bu sert açıklamalarının aynı saatlerde ABD’li iki komutanın güvenli bölge görüşmeleri için Ankara’da bulunması ve Genelkurmay’ı ziyaret ettiği saatlere denk gelmesi dikkat çekti. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri ...