WAS IRAN RETALIATING AGAINST THE UK FOR SEIZING ITS TANKER? Even though Mr. Ali Rabei, the newly appointed speaker of the Iranian Government, and Mr. Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic, officially rejected the claims that Iranian seizure of the British Tanker in the Persian Gulf was a response to the UK’s seizure of a Russian ...

The Wall The US Supreme Court allowed Donald Trump to use $ 2.5 billion from the Pentagon’s budget to build several sections of the wall on the border with Mexico. Five judges voted in favor of the decision, and four against. This vote canceled the ruling of the lower courts, which had blocked Trump’s actions. The American president called the ...

In his book “On China,” Henry Kissinger explains the differences between Westerners and the Chinese in their approaches to strategy by comparing Chess and Wei qi (also known as “Go”): “If chess is about the decisive battle, Wei qi is about the protracted campaign. A chess player aims for a decisive victory, a Wei qi player seeks for relative advantage. ...

Beyaz Saray’da Donald Trump ile Cumhuriyetçi senatörler arasında gerçekleştirilen toplantıda Türkiye’nin Rus yapımı hava savunma sistemi S-400 alımının ardından Türkiye’ye uygulanacak olası yaptırımlar masaya yatırıldı. Kongre üyeleri Türkiye’nin S-400 alımından rahatsız ancak Başkan Trump’ın ya da Kongre’nin bundan sonraki aşamada ne yapması gerektiği konusunda kararsız. Kongre’deki temkinli hava yaptırım konusunun ikinci plana atıldığının sinyalini veriyor. BİRLİKTEN GÜÇ DOĞAR Rusya’dan S-400 savunma sistemlerinin ...

1 – France’s ‘Black Vests’ The “Yellow Vests” in France have been replaced by a new protest movement, representing a new demographic: on July 12, 2019, 700 members of the “Black Vest” movement rushed and occupied the historic Pantheon in Paris. The ‘Gilets Noir’ is a movement of undocumented migrants, predominantly from North Africa whose central demand is resident status ...

Hürriyet gazetesinin deneyimli yazarı Sedat Ergin, Türkiye’ye teslim edilen S-400’lerin 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin yıl dönümüne “denk gelmesinin” tesadüf olmadığını yazdı. 15 Temmuz 2016 tarihinde hain darbe girişiminde F-16’ların kalktığı pistte şimdi Rusya’dan gelen S-400 kargolarının taşıyan uçakların indiğini vurgulayan Ergin, gelişmeleri “tarihin cilvesi” olarak değerlendirdi. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurbaşkanı Tayyip Erdoğan‘ın 15 Temmuz darbe girişiminin yıl dönümü ile ilgili yaptığı konuşmaları da ...

According to the annual Research on Public Perceptions on Turkish Foreign Policy – 2019, conducted by the Center for Turkish Studies of Kadir Has University, almost 81.3% of Turkey’s population considers the USA to be the greatest threat to the country. Last year it was 60.2%. It is noteworthy that over the past year the number of people who consider America to be the biggest ...

Kadir Has Üniversitesi’nin her yıl düzenli olarak yaptığı “Türk Dış Politikası Kamuoyu Algıları” Araştırması 2019 yılı sonuçlarına göre Türk halkının, yüzde 81.3 gibi büyük bir çoğunluğu ABD’yi Türkiye için en büyük tehdit olarak görüyor. Geçen yıl bu oran yüzde 60.2 idi. Son bir yılda ABD’yi ‘en büyük tehdit’ olarak görenlerin oranının yüzde 21.1 artması dikkat çekiyor. Türk halkına göre dış ...

The latest color revolution in the Islamic world continues to unfold in Sudan. After the April coup d’état and the attempt to find consensus on a new power structure including the opposition and the military, on July 11, a new attempt to escalate the situation was carried out by opposition forces with a radical pro-western orientation. In the course of ...

The massive multinational corporations that produce the world’s supply of drugs, vaccines and genetically modified organisms have been coming under increasing heavy scrutiny in recent years. These companies are in a position, thanks to their incredible resources, to influence doctors, and even nations to buy their products. They have used their wealth to push favorable tariff policies, and even guide ...