The recent Washington’s designation of Iran’s elite, 125,000-member IRGC (Islamic Revolution Guard Corps) as an FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization) was overlooked in the Western media as a typical story with the short attention span of the everyday news cycle. I am not an alarmist in my work, but it is now completely ostensible, perhaps more than ever before, that the ...
Relations between Libya, under the control of Khalifa Haftar (Tobruk’s government), and Turkey are at a critical point in the aftermath of an airstrike Haftar`s forces carried out against a refugee camp in Tripoli. Haftar has refused responsibility, calling the incident a false-flag conducted by his rival al-Sarraj. Harsh statements from both sides quickly followed, including threats of military action: ...
Georgian protests New protests took place this week in Georgia. On July 4, the Georgian Interior Ministry announced the detention of four people accused of assaulting police officers during rallies in central Tbilisi on June 20-21. On Thursday, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced that it was investigating a meeting about organizing mass riots and an attempted coup d’état to seize ...
Hasan Rouhani’s ultimatum to Europe for rescuing the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (JCPOA) has expired and the whole world is waiting to see what Iran will do next – continue observing the nuclear deal or create a nuclear bomb. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has made a statement suggesting Iran will go over to the second phase of the slashing ...
The Secretary General of the of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, has once again charged Turkey and Iran with expansionism allegedly aimed at spreading their influence to the Arab countries of the Middle East. As he spoke in Cairo at the opening of an Arab Parliament seminar on “building a unified strategy to deal with neighbors”, Aboul ...
The multi-month crisis between the US and Turkey on the purchase of Russian S-400 missile defense systems recently took an unexpected turn. According to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Donald Trump said that Washington would not impose sanctions over the deal during the summit in Japan. The statements were greeted with amazement all over the world and, above all, ...
Europe EU: leadership stalemate EU leaders met several times throughout June in order to determine who will become the new head of the European Commission. The recently elected new European Parliament will have to approve the successor to Jean Claude Juncker. At the end of June, German politician Manfred Weber, previously considered the main contender for the post, dropped out ...
In 2017, according to the US Energy Information Administration, Saudi Arabia, following Russia, Iran and Qatar, had the fourth-largest natural gas reserves in the world. According to the US Energy Information Administration, the country’s natural gas reserves amounted to 304 trillion cubic meters. Most of Saudi Arabia’s natural gas is consumed in the petrochemical sector and electricity generation. 40.7% of ...
ABD ile Türkiye arasında aylardır devam eden S-400 krizinde sürpriz bir gelişme yaşandı. Başkan Trump’ın Japonya’da Türkiye’nin Rusya’dan aldığı S-400’lerle ilgili “Türkiye S-400’leri almalı, yaptırım yok.” şeklindeki açıklamaları, Türkiye başta olmak üzere birçok dünya ülkesinde şaşkınlıkla karşılandı. Zira birkaç hafta öncesine kadar Başkan Trump başta olmak üzere, ABD’nin Türkiye’yi nasıl tehdit ettikleri hafızalarımızdan henüz silinmedi. İnsanın aklına ister istemez şu ...
G20 The two-day G20 summit ended in Osaka, Japan. Leaders of major powers discussed security, climate, trade, etc. The summit was marked by the United States’ disagreement with other countries on a number of issues. For example, on the Paris climate agreement, on the China trade-war issue (despite the fact that a small “reconciliation” between Beijing and Washington took place ...