A large two-day summit of the world’s leading economies was held in Osaka, Japan. Following the meeting, the participants crafted a joint statement on security, ecology, migration, economics, etc. International politics The leaders touched on the topic of Iran, expressing concern over the ongoing and escalating conflict. In recent weeks the conflict between the United States and Iran has developed ...

Former Vice President Joe Biden was in the spotlight on Thursday during the second debate between Democrats hoping to go up against Trump for the presidency next year… but Biden wasn’t the only one to gain some attention. Biden intends to show voters that he can be a chance for Democrats to win over Donald Trump in the 2020 election. ...

The Democratic Party’s first debate among potential presidential candidates took place this week. On November 3, 2020, the presidential elections will be held in the United States, but the race has already begun – President Donald Trump already launched his re-election campaign and the main guidelines of foreign and domestic policy. Details: a shift to the left Twenty candidates will ...

In Turkey’s second contest to elect the mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoğlu of the opposition Republican People’s Party again claimed victory, this time winning by a wide margin over his rival Binali Yildirim. In the first contest held on March 31, Imamoğlu only best his opponent by 13,729 votes, the narrow victory and electoral irregularities prompting a re-do on June 23. ...

Georgian protests In Georgia, a political scandal that led to large demonstrations in Tbilisi. About 240 people (80 of them policemen) have been injured. On Thursday, a meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy started in the Georgian parliament, with the participation of the Russian delegation. The deputy head of the assembly Sergei Gavrilov was sitting in the chair of ...

It seems that Benjamin Netanyahu, the unofficial but de facto leader of the world’s Neoconservatives, wishes to tie up his loose ends with Tehran– he has been trying to overthrow the Iranian regime for over 20 years now. Yet, overthrowing the Iranian regime by force would undoubtedly increase the possibility of a nuclear conflict in the whole region. It would ...

Dünya medyasının yakından takip ettiği yenilenen İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediye Başkanlığı seçimin Millet İttifakı Adayı Ekrem İmamoğlu, rakibi Cumhur İttifakı Adayı Binali Yıldırım’a karşı bu defa büyük fark atarak ikinci defa kazandı. İstanbul Belediye Başkanlığını 31 Mart’ta yapılan seçimlerde 13 bin 729 oy farkıyla kazanan Ekrem İmamoğlu, YSK’nın yenilemekararının ardından 23 Haziran’da yapılan seçimde, rakibi Binali Yıldırım’a 806 bin 415 bin ...

A re-do of the election for mayor of Istanbul, a strategically important region, took place in Turkey today. With  99% of ballots counted, the candidate from the opposition Republican People’s Party of Turkey, Ekrem Imamoglu, won with 54.0% of the vote. His main rival was the candidate of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) of Turkey, former prime minister ...

One of the most discussed topics in Turkey was America’s plan to jointly deploy a military contingent with 7 countries in the territories east of the Euphrates. Recently the US, with the support of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt, launched multinational military forces in Syria. Seven states, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Egypt and Jordan, have ...

Suriye’den “tamamen çekileceğini” açıklayan ABD’nin Fırat’ın doğusuna 7 ayrı ülke ile birlikte asker yerleştirme planı Türkiye’nin en çok tartışılan konularından birisi. Kısa bir süre önce Suudi Arabistan, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri (BAE) ve Mısır’ın bölgesel desteği, ABD’nin öncülüğü ile çok uluslu bir güç yerleştirme planı devreye sokuldu. İngiltere, Almanya, Fransa, Mısır ve Ürdün’ün de aralarında bulunduğu 7 ülke Fırat’ın Doğu’suna asker ...