As the situation around Iran continues deteriorating, Japan has taken up an initiative to broker peace and to scale down the tensions between Washington and Tehran. While the situation kept aggravating, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said he was heading on a diplomatic mission to Iran. The reports on the Japanese Prime Minister’s forthcoming visit on the background of the reciprocal ...
For the first time in 55 years, the United States threatened Turkey via an official letter after their purchase of Russian S-400 systems. Normally, the United States indirectly criticizes Turkey across a variety of media. That is, until last week when Washington changed tactics and took a step further, sending a letter to the Minister of Defense of Turkey, Hulusi ...
Ten politicians are officially registered as candidates for the post of leader of the ruling British Conservative Party and the country’s prime minister. The details were announced on Monday after applicants were officially registered by Cheryl Gillan, a representative of the Tory Party. THE CANDIDATES Boris Johnson, 54 The former mayor of London and current Foreign Secretary. Well known ...
ABD’nin adeta namus meselesi yaptığı, Türkiye’nin Rusya’dan alacağı S-400 füzeleri ile ilgili sözlü tehditlerini, 55 yıl aradan sonra yazılı bir mektup ile adeta resmileştirdi. ABD bir hafta öncesine kadar Türkiye’yi sözlü, daha çok medya aracılığı ile tehdit ediyordu. Bu tehditlerin yeterince etkili olmadığını düşünmüş olmalı ki, bu defa işi bir adım öteye götürüp Savunma Bakan Vekili Patrick Shanahan imzalı bir ...
Kazakhstan elections The successor of the first president of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, won the early presidential election with 70.96% of the vote. His lead over the rest of his rivals was big enough to secure the victory but smaller than what Nursultan Nazarbayev had gotten himself. Opposition candidate, journalist and former deputy minister Amirjan Qosanov pulled in 16.23% of the ...
The Finance Ministers of the world’s 20 leading economies came together before the annual G20 summit. The officials discussed global tax policy in the Japanese city Tsukuba before the conference began in Osaka on June 28. During the talks, representatives of the participating countries discussed the problems of artificial intelligence, social networks and the global economy. Statements Japan’s finance minister, ...
On June 9, Kazakhstan has its presidential election. While elections were scheduled to take place in 2020, the interim president of the country, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, decided to begin the process ahead of time. According to expert estimates, although Tokayev will win the election, it will only be the beginning of a difficult transition period. UWI explores what lies ahead for ...
Discussions between the United States and Turkey over the purchase of the Russian S-400 missile system have been going on for more than a month. America continues to threaten Turkey with sanctions in the event that it does not immediately refuse to purchase the defense complexes. Will our relations with Washington improve, if Turkey declares that it is ready to ...
While less than a month ago everyone was concerned about the possibility of war breaking out in the Persian Gulf, American policy toward Iran now seems to have shifted once again. While in Japan, Trump stated that the US has no plans to bring down the government in Iran, no plans for war and is even ready to talk with ...
Aylardır, ABD ile Türkiye arasında devam eden bir S-400 tartışmasıdır gidiyor. ABD her fırsatta Türkiye’nin Rusya’dan alacağı S-400 füze sistemlerinin alımını derhal durdurmasını, aksi halde yaptırımlar uygulayacağını tekrarlayıp durarak kibarca Türkiye’yi tehdit etmeye devam ediyor. S-400 ayrıntılara girmeyeceğim. Zaten her gün o kadar çok yazılıp çiziliyor ki, her birimiz neredeyse birer S-400 uzmanı olduk. Ben olaya farklı bir açıdan bakmak ...