Seçim sonuçlarının kesinleşmesi ve birleşme tutanaklarının sunulmasının ardından, Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi’nin adayı Ekrem İmamoğlu, seçimlerden 17 gün sonra önce mazbatasını, ardından da İstanbul Büyük Şehir Belediye Başkanlık görevini devraldı. Adeta, Dünya gündemine oturan İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlığı seçimi, 17 gün süren yeniden sayım ve itiraz sürecinin ardından, Ekrem İmamoğlu’na mazbatasının verilmesiyle nihayet tamamlandı. Maltepe ilçe seçim kurulu görevlilerince oy sayımının ...
On the evening of April 15, the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris erupted into flames. The Catholic church was one of the central attractions of the city and one of the most important historical and architectural treasures of the world. The fire most likely began on the scaffolding which had been erected for restoration work on the Cathedral. The fire quickly ...
Western nations have dominated much of the world for nearly five centuries. During this era, European nations – and later, the United States – gained power and spread the influence of Western civilization over much of the globe. China and Japan were forcibly opened to European and American trade. Africa, India, and much of Asia were overwhelmed and carved up ...
BM Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü’nün (FAO), gıda krizi ile ilgili hazırladığı 2019 yılı küresel raporuna göre, dünya nüfusunun üçte ikisi açlıkla mücadele ediyor. Bu insanların çoğu Yemen, Demokratik Kongo Cumhuriyeti, Afganistan ve Suriye gibi savaşla anılan ülkelerde yaşıyor. Raporu okuduktan sonra makaleye başlık bulmak için o kadar zorlandım ki anlatamam. İnsanlığımdan utanç duydum, kahroldum. İçimden öyle şeyler yazmak, öyle şeyler ...
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) report on global food crisis, two-thirds of the world’s population are faced with hunger, most of whom are simultaneously trying to survive the wars that led to scarcity in the first place. It’s difficult to emotionally distance yourself enough from the terrifying and shameful picture described in the ...
Assange’s arrest On Thursday, Assange was arrested in London at the Ecuadorian embassy where he had been taking refuse since 2012, before the country revoked his asylum and turned him over to UK authorities. Assange is accused of conspiring with WikiLeaks informant Chelsea Manning to steal and publish secret government documents. In the US, he faces up to five years ...
UWI reviews Wikileaks most important revelations On April 11, 2019, Wikileaks co-founder and editor Julian Assange was imprisoned. After his Ecuadorian citizenship being annulled, he was arrested inside the South American country’s embassy in London where he had lived for 7 years. His next court date is set to take place on May 2. While the US has requested Assange’s ...
Ecuadorian authorities revoked Julian Assange’s asylum and then allowed police to arrest him inside the country’s London embassy. The founder of WikiLeaks was detained inside the embassy on Thursday, with seven men dragging him out of the building and into police custody. The former president of Ecuador Rafael Correa has already condemned current president Lenin Moreno’s decision to revoke Assange’s ...
Europe Brexit is delayed… again The United Kingdom and the European Union approved the postponement of the beginning of the UK’s exit process. It was originally scheduled for the end of March 2019. However, the British Parliament did not approve Prime Minister Theresa May’s version of the plan. Now, there are three important dates for Brexit: April 12 and May ...
Israel’s parliamentary elections were held on April 9. While final results have not yet been published, according to preliminary data, the party of current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has won. Following the election, a new government will be formed in the country, occupying the 120 seats in the Knesset. Netanyahu’s Likud party had about 35 seats in the Knesset, while ...