Why is the European Parliament election so important? This institution presides over extremely significant matters. For example: “defending European democracies from foreign entities disseminating misleading information or manipulating personal data of voters.” The EP represents millions of Europeans on numerous crucial issues of this magnitude. Questions Without Answers During a March session of the Parliament “MEPs voted on a resolution ...

In a recent interview, US President Donald Trump, calling his supporters “tough guys,” threatened the opposition Democrats saying: “Do not tempt fate, if they take the streets, the consequences can be very, very serious”. Does Trump’s hostile language surprise us? Of course not, he is by now well known for issuing threats. During his election campaign, did he not threaten ...

After June 8, 2014, when General Abdel Fattah Al Sisi came to power in Egypt, displacing President Morsi (who was elected by popular vote), a total of 42 people were executed in Egypt. Turkey strongly condemns the practice of capital punishment, while European countries continue not to express any concrete position on the issue, with the exception of the individual ...

ABD Başkanı Donald Trump, verdiği bir röportajda kendisini destekleyenlerin, Demokratlardan daha sıkı insanlar olduğunu ifade ederek, Demokratlara, “çok zorlamayın, sahaya inerlerse işler çok kötü çok kötü şeyler olabilir” sözleri tepki çekti. Trump’un bu tarz konuşmalarına yabancısı mıyız? Tabi ki hayır. Trump’ ın tehdit den beslendiği bilinmedik bir şey değil. Seçim çalışmaları döneminde, “ 11 milyon göçmeni sınır dışı etmekle, Müslümanları ...

In France, on Saturday, March 23, the Yellow Vests held another demonstration – Act XIX. According to the French Ministry of Internal Affairs, at least 40,500 people protested across France (5000 of them in Paris). Clashes with the police occurred in Nice, Lyon, Toulouse, Montpellier and Paris. https://twitter.com/ohboywhatashot/status/1109809013288587266 After a strong confrontation last week during the Act XVIII, the police ...

Golan Heights scandal US President Donald Trump tweeted that the time had come to recognize the full sovereignty of Israel over the Golan Heights. Prior to this, the United States, although it remained the main allies of Israel in the Middle East, adhered to the decisions of the UN Security Council, which considers Israeli control over the Golan Heights an ...

Donald Trump said via Twitter that it was time for the USA to «fully recognize Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which is of critical strategic and security importance to the State of Israel and regional stability». Between the 5th and 10th of June 1967, during a war called the Six-Day War, Israel occupied 1200 Square kilometers of the western ...

One of the most complicated debates among politicians and economists in Iran is whether or not the country should join the Financial Action Task Force (FATF)… but what is the FATF and why has it become the center of such an important dispute? The FATF is an inter-governmental body established in 1989 by the Ministers of G7 countries (US, France, ...

The largest parliamentary faction, the European People’s Party (EPP), took an unprecedented step by attacking and suspending its own members. After the suspension of Fidesz’ membership, everyone is wondering what the future holds for the party – what will change in the event of their complete expulsion? Precedent for “Fidesz” The Hungarian group’s membership in the EU-leading transnational bloc has ...

Ayhan Zeytinoglu, the chairman of Economic Development Foundation (IKV) which specializes in EU – Turkey relations,  commented on the European Parliament report calling to suspend negotiations regarding Turkey’s EU membership bid, highlighting the EP’s “erratic approach” to Turkey. He also discussed the continued difficulties in Brexit negotiations in the House of Commons. According to Zeytinoglu, on March 13, the attention ...