Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on February 21 that two Turkish prospecting vessels would get down to geological exploration of oil and gas deposits off the shores of Cyprus shortly. Ankara will thus demonstrate that any prospecting in the area can be done only with Turkey’s consent, Cavusoglu said. He also indicated that Turkey is not going to allow ...

Soğuk Savaşın sona ermesiyle birlikte bir taraftan “Tarihin Sonu” diyerek tüm dünyayı artık sadece tek bir merkezde geliştirilen anlayışın yöneteceğini muştulayan tezler ortaya atılırken diğer taraftan da Soğuk Savaş boyunca oluşan dengeden dolayı sımsıkı kapatılmış pandoranın kapağı ardına kadar açılmıştı. Gelinen noktada tarihin sonu gelmediyse de, tarihin sonu tezlerinin sonuna geldiğimiz oldukça aşikardır. Türkiye açısından konuyu ele aldığımızda, tüm Soğuk ...

On the one hand,  the end of the Cold War signaled the beginning of liberalism’s unipolar world domination, and the end of any possibility for competing ideas. On the other, the balance of power maintained by the Cold War was upended, opening a geopolitical Pandora’s box. To date, Francis Fukuyama’s prematurely announced “end of history” has not arrived, and its ...

When Donald Trump took office in January 2017, he made it clear that countering Iran was a top priority on his agenda. Trump ripped up the Iran Nuclear Deal, also known as JCPOA; reimposed pre-JCPOA sanctions and even added new ones that were unprecedented in terms of their scope and scale; and put Iranian citizens, activists and fugitive political dissidents ...

Summit in Sochi The fourth summit of the Astana process on the settlement of the crisis in Syria was held on February 14 in Sochi. Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan considers the summit to have been an important step. “The Summit in Sochi was very efficient and useful. The second round of talks began with Sochi, we hope that the fifth ...

Ankara, who is now shifting away from the USA and towards the regional powers, is expected to begin negotiations with Damascus. Of course right now a low level exterior politics is underway with Syria. At this situation, intelligence agencies cannot just say “We execute whatever our leader orders.”. Many times leaders are off the grid, then what will they do? ...

The Islamic Republic of Iran recently celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, a revolution which turned an American ally to an American enemy. Some still try to analyze the reasons why Iranian students attacked the US embassy at the beginning during the revolution and created a dispute which not only led to a cut off in relations between ...

On the background of the US and Russia’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), one can hear increasingly often that Turkey might change its status in the emerging new international layout and change its status of a non-nuclear weapons state. Herein we’ll consider the possibility of a step of this kind. It is common knowledge that the US ...

A sixty-nation conference initiated by the US opened in Warsaw on Wednesday. Although its official motto is security in the Middle East, its sessions focus on how to entice different countries to form an alliance for wielding pressure on Iran, an object of the Trump Administration’s hate. When the US authorities announced the Warsaw summit for the first time, Secretary ...

Across the southern and midwestern United States, it is common at high school sporting events to see the players join hands in prayer. This tradition has even become the subject of court cases, as it violates the US Constitution for any public school or government institution to promote religion. Regardless, in many football fields and basketball courts, you will see ...