Bolsonaro`s victory, new details on the Khashoggi case and the elections in Georgia– weekly outcomes

Bolsonaro`s victory

Jair Bolsonaro of the Social Liberal Party was announced the winner in Brazil`s presidential elections. On Sunday, October 28th, the second round of the elections took place, and left-wing Fernando Haddad of the Workers’ party lost the battle.

According to initial results, Bolsonaro received 55.15% of votes, and Haddad received 44.85%. Bolsonaro’s inauguration will be held on January 1, 2019.

The Venezuelan authorities have also congratulated Bolsonaro. The Brazilian Foreign Ministry has noted that there is hope to establish “diplomatic relations based on respect, consent, development and regional integration for the benefit” for both states.

Venezuela also stated their hope for continued cooperation “with the fraternal Brazilian people in fight for more fair, multipolar world”.

As analysts expect, the new president of Brazil will find favor among business interests (he plans to forge ahead in privatizing state assets). In a geopolitical sense, Brazil’s new orientation will be toward the US and Israel. Bolsonaro’s rhetoric is often described far-right and anti-communist. Relations with China will likely be strained (in the economic and diplomatic sense). The main challenges for Bolsonaro will be public safety and his conservative social agenda, as well as the question of the army.

New details in the Khashoggi case

Saudi Arabia has refused extradition of suspects involved in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia, Adel Al-Jubeir, said that the suspects in the murder of Washington Post Journalist Jamal Khashoggi will be judged in the kingdom because they are the citizens of Saudi Arabia.

Al-Jubeir emphasized that the murder investigation will take some time.

In the meantime, new details have begun to emerge. British media stated that British intelligence received information that Khashoggi had been ready to publish materials about the use of chemical weapon by Saudi troops in Yemen. They also intercepted communications regarding Khashoggi’s kidnapping. While the crown prince himself is not implicated in the recording, a person from his “inner circle” is referred to.

The British intelligence service was informed about preparations for the kidnapping three weeks prior to the event. They allegedly intercepted a conversation between Saudi intelligence members and were fully aware of the situation.

The British Daily Express, referring to its own sources, reported that representatives of British intelligence possessed concrete information, in particular, a direct order regarding Khashoggi’s kidnapping. The conversation also included contingency plans if Khashoggi refused to comply with his transfer which can unambiguously be considered premeditation for the murder.

According to the newspaper, the intelligence agency transferred the information to the British administration. Having obtained the information, the British authorities allegedly appealed to their colleagues from Saudi Arabia to cancel the operation, but were unsuccessful.

The Elections in Georgia

In Georgia, the first round of the presidential elections have ended inconclusively, as none of the candidates gained enough votes to be declared the winner (50% of the vote is required). The completed results show the candidate of the ruling party “Georgian Dream – Democratic Georgia”, Salomé Zourabichvili, receiving 38.6% of the vote, and his main rival, oppositionist Grigol Vashadze, receiving 37.75%. A second round will take place in order to determine the winner. 25 candidates fought for the presidency in total.