Celebrations of August 30th Victory Day centennial; Reactions to Macron’s anti-Turkish statements in Algeria; Note from the US Treasury Department to the Turkish Industry And Business Association (TUSİAD)

The public agenda had been very busy in Türkiye last week.

Many politicians and parties celebrated the August 30 Victory Day Centennial, as it was being commemorated by the public all around the country.

Secondly, French President Emmanuel Macron’s statements targeting Türkiye during his visit to Algeria have caused the Foreign Ministry of Türkiye to give a harsh reaction.

And finally, the United States Treasury Department threatened the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TUSİAD) with sanctions due to the latters’ ongoing trade relations with Russia.

Official messages from politicians for the August 30th Victory Day

Many different politicians delivered official messages of celebration for the 100th anniversary of the military victory of the Turkish Nation against imperialist forces under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk on August 30th 1922. The day was celebrated with joy all over the country.

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan took part in the official ceremony held in Ataturk’s mausoleum Anıtkabir, Cemetery of Statesmen as well as in the Presidential Complex in Beştepe. Erdogan has signed the Anıtkabir Memorial Notebook and is reported to written the following:

“Honorable Ataturk, in the 100th anniversary of the Great Victory, which has been one of the most important turning points of our glorious history, we commemorate your own being, your comrades-at arms, the honorable members of the National Assembly and our most honorable martyrs. With the inspiration we had from our hero martyrs, we keep building the Republic of Türkiye in the direction that you have shown to us, mainly in its economy, defense and in diplomacy. Neither the, attack of treacherous terrorist organizations nor the insidious games from outside powers could ever prevent construction of a growing, strengthening and a confident Türkiye that became a hope for both its own citizens and for all the oppressed throughout the world. May all your souls rest in peace.”

Leaders of the main opposition, the Republican People’s Party (CHP), the oppositional IYI party, government-ally Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Ministers, General Staff of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and Mayor of Ankara were present during the official ceremony.

The leader of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), Devlet Bahceli has given a message to address the 30th August Victory Day. Bahceli also warned for potential threats in today’s Türkiye, while commemorating the past hardships:

“After 100 years have passed over the Great Victory from the Battle of Dumlupinar, the impacts of the consequent of political and strategic events are still alive to this day. The enemy is yet to sleep, and has been lurking to this day. The intensity of intrusions over our seas and skies in the Aegean and the Mediterranean by Greece is a reflection of such nightmares of theirs. Also, the lockdown of Greek S-300 air defense systems on Turkish jets over the island of Crete is a provocation of the highest level. And the United States, which imposed sanctions on Türkiye for its purchase of S-400s, and is looking away on the issue of Greek S-300s, shows only a double standard and hypocrisy.

The Greek government has lost its vision to see that they were designated as a mere ‘march territory’. My only wish for the current government that is haunting the Greek Nation is to get their heads around and stop their irrational ambitions. Otherwise, severe consequences possibly worse than 1922 August 30th may fall upon them. But we know that hopelessness is evil, and hope is a gift from God. Our hopes are alive and well. I commemorate Mustafa Kemal Ataturk as the founder of our nation, our first president, and the commander of this victorious battle, as well as his comrades-at-arms and our most honorable martyrs.”

The leader of the main opposition party CHP, Kemal Kilicdaroglu has made the following statements commemorating the Victory Day:

“The Great Leader, who returned to Ankara as a hero who saved his country and his nation from a reckless occupation, immediately got to work in order to realize the dream of the Republic that he had planned since his youth and that this dream was the rising sun of peace… It should be known that August 30th is the greatest sign of our nation’s commitment to freedom and the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s commitment to the sovereignty of the nation, beyond being a simple military victory.

We, as the Republican People’s Party, as the representatives of that blessed heritage today, continue our struggle for our nation. This struggle will continue until our Republic, the foundations of which were laid on August 30th, is crowned with a full democracy. We promise: The ‘rising sun of peace’ will shine on our country again.

With these feelings and thoughts, we commemorate all our heroes and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the leader of the Turkish War of Independence, who shed light on the future of our country with his great genius, and the children of the lands who were martyred in the fight against terrorism; I pledge my love and respect to our veterans.”

The leader of the Vatan Party, Dogu Perincek has also given a message for the August 30th, making statements about the current situation of the country:

“August 30 is the victory of the revolutionary government.

On September 1st 1922, the Commander-in-Chief Mustafa Kemal Pasha said, ‘Armies of the National Assembly, your first target is the Mediterranean. March!’ That was not the army of the Ottoman Sultan, but the army of the National Assembly.

Today, the Eastern Mediterranean is the main focus of the imperialist threats targeting Turkey. Our country is now surrounded by the US bases in Alexandroupolis, in the north of Crete and in Southern Cyprus, North Syria and Iraq. The navies of the United States, Israel and Greece are now conducting military exercises all around Turkey in the Eastern Mediterranean. Naval guns are directed towards Anatolia and Thrace like one hundred years ago.

The fate of Turkey and Russia is once again united, as it was one hundred years ago. Ukraine is Greece in the Black Sea, and Greece is Ukraine in the Mediterranean.

The key to a new August 30th is the strong country that relies on the nation. It is solidarity with Asian countries, such as Russia, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Azerbaijan.

One hundred years later, with the inspiration and strength we received from August 30th, we celebrate the Victory Day of our Army and the Nation.”

Finally, the fact that the People’s Democratic Party, a party affiliated with the PKK terrorist organization, did not share any celebration messages for the Victory Day has caused reactions and criticism.

Reactions from Türkiye against Macron

Macron paid a visit to the city of Algiers, on August 26th.

In a visit to the Christian and Jewish cemeteries, the French President has claimed that Turkish networks operating in Africa are carrying out anti-French sentiments and propaganda.

Macron said France had been criticized for its past in Africa, but argued that they will build a trust between the country and the continent, even if it takes time.

Macron argued that a tremendous manipulation was carried out against his country, because France left the region to other actors. He claimed that “Islamist” activists were hostile towards France and were spreading anti-French sentiment.

Macron also said, “There are networks originating in Türkiye, Russia and China that have activist, neo-colonialist and imperialist agendas that are hostile towards France. There is a common enemy for all of them, and that is France. They all unite under that umbrella”, he claimed.

Turkish Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Tanju Bilgic reacted to French President Emmanuel Macron’s remarks targeting Türkiye:

“It is extremely unfortunate that French President Emmanuel Macron, along with some other countries, made statements targeting our country during his visit to Algeria.

It is unacceptable that French President Macron, who has difficulty in confronting his colonial past in Africa, especially in Algeria, is trying to get rid of his colonial past by making accusations against other countries, including our country.


Türkiye, which encourages friendship rather than enmity, is also among the strategic partners of the African Union, is developing its relations with both Algeria and other countries of the African continent day by day, and these relations, which are based on mutual trust and win-win relations, are progressing in a way that respects the will of the countries themselves.

If France thinks that there are reactions against it on the African continent, it should search for the reason of these reactions in its own colonial past and in its efforts to continue these policies with different methods. And France should try to correct this. To claim that these reactions, rather than confronting and solving problems related to one’s own past, are caused by the activities of third countries is not only a denial of sociological fact and of history, but also reflects a distorted mindset that some politicians possess.

We hope that France will soon be mature enough to confront its colonial past without making accusations against other countries, including our country.”


Threat from the US Department of Treasury against Turkish industrialists

It was reported in the media that the US Treasury Department had sent a note to the Turkish Industry and Business Association due to its continuing trade relations with Russia.

In the written statement made by TUSIAD, it was stated that “As reported in various media organs today, the letter of the US Deputy Secretary of the Treasury, Adewale Adeyemo, that the relations that may be established with the individuals and the organizations sanctioned as a part of sanctions against Russia may also be reflected as a sanction risk to the companies operating in Türkiye.”

TUSIAD noted that the letter was shared with the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and the Ministry of Trade.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that the US administration has warned Turkish businessmen not to work with the Russian institutions and businesspeople sanctioned, after Russia began its invasion of Ukraine on February 24th.

One of the interesting things was that the Turkish Treasury and Finance Minister Nureddin Nebati’s low-toned statements regarding the issue.

“We are pleased to see that our ally and trading partner, the United States, has invited businesses to invest in our economy. Our country, together with its allies, attaches importance to making joint efforts and strengthening cooperation against global and regional challenges.

In addition, we are determined to develop our trade and economic relations with our neighbors in various sectors such as tourism that is not subject to any sanctions.

All actors of the Turkish economy adhere to the principles of the free market economy, and are trying to have a greater share in global trade. The government of the Republic of Turkey stands by the business world in this regard.

With our diplomacy aimed at peace and growing trade, we are taking a strong initiative to ensure that our businesspeople play a more important role in the global economy.

The Turkish business world has achieved many successes in its business ethics, abilities and flexibilities to produce quick solutions, and will continue to do so.

As stated in the letter sent by the US Department of Treasury to the Turkish business organizations, Turkish businesses are among the most innovative companies in the world and continue to grow by overcoming significant challenges.”

The biggest reaction to these low-tone statements from the government and the TUSIAD itself against the threat from the US Treasury came from Vatan Party leader Dogu Perincek.

Over the lack of any strong opposition, Perincek commented: “The low-tone statements made by the Minister of Treasury and Finance Nebati about the threat posed by the United States towards the Turkish government and its business world shows that the government is in a desperate position in the face of rising cost of living and inflation.”

“Those who salute the sanctions are desperate,” Perincek stated, adding, “The Minister salutes the sanctions imposed by the United States against our neighbor and ally Russia. The government cannot even stand tall against a letter from the United States. The Minister is drowning within the Atlantic System in his statement. Therefore, it is in a position to surrender to the system that plunges Türkiye into ever-growing debt.

Just go and make a dignified statement to the Turkish public. With such mentality you cannot produce anything in Türkiye. You will ruin the Turkish economy with this type of thinking. You can never find oil or gas or any financial credit for Türkiye. All you can do is to broker financial assets, get paid by bank interest and crush the Turkish economy. You have already crushed it anyways.

I am now making a call to The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey. They should not stay with TUSIAD anymore. Instead, we expect a strong will from them.

This is a shameful thing for TUSIAD. Go on and take a stand against the United States! Defend your own homeland, your own trade, your own industry and your own production. Foreign powers are telling you to not do business with a country. Just say: ‘You cannot interfere with me. I am a liberal. I stand for a free market economy’. You were supposed to be free entrepreneur? No, you are just slaves. You are slaves for the United States! These slaves will crush the Turkish economy. They cannot do anything else.”
