China is looking for a collaboration with Arabic World: key-steps

  • Pekin showed interest in creating a free trade zone in Palestine. The President of China promised to send $ 15 million to support Palestinians, another $ 90 million will go to humanitarian support of Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. In total, the Chinese authorities allocated a $ 20 billion credit line for the restoration of the economies affected by Arab conflicts.


  • Major Chinese companies have plans to begin the restoration process of the Syrian infrastructure. In 2017 the possible investments of $ 2 billion were announced. In addition, the Chinese side is interested in building of a large industrial park in Syria, where about 150 Chinese companies can start work.

Earlier this year, Xiaoyan, China’s Special Representative for the Syrian Settlement, announced Beijing’s readiness to participate in the post-war reconstruction of the Syria.


  • Сhina is planning to increase its investments in Africa this year. This is another important strategic pole for China. In recent years, Beijing has managed to become a leading economic partner for African countries, many of which are rich in natural resources.

The League of Arab States includes such East African countries as Somalia, Djibouti and Sudan. It was Djibouti who was chosen by Beijing to create his first foreign military base.




The relationship between China and the United States is very tense now because of a dispute over trade policy. Donald Trump accuses Beijing of artificially restricting imports, which led to a large imbalance in the trade turnover of the two countries. Negotiations did not help to settle the dispute, the US side imposed protective duties on the supply of a number of Chinese goods. Beijing responded symmetrically, setting high import duties on hundreds of names of Am