Crisis in Venezuela, India-Pakistan war, Syria


In the center of the capital of Venezuela, a march of supporters of President Nicolas Maduro took place alongside protests by supporters of self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido who crossed the border back into the country on Monday.

The republic has been experiencing periodic blackouts due to the failure of the automatic control system at the Simón Bolívar Hydroelectric Plant. In Caracas, electricity was partially restored, but most of the city was with left without power.

According to the Minister of Information of Venezuela, Jorge Rodríguez, the cause of a large-scale electrical system failure was a cyber attack by the United States.

In the near future, Caracas will present evidence of this to international organizations.


Aggression continued throughout the week between India and Pakistan.

On Tuesday, the Pakistani Navy announced they had repelled an Indian submarine which they claim had attempted to penetrate the internal waters of the country. Pakistan published a video which appears to show the moment the submarine was intercepted.

Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry previously called an attack by the Indian Air Force on Pakistani-controlled Kashmir an act of aggression and a threat to regional stability.

The other side accuses Pakistan of violating a ceasefire at four locations along the demarcation line, according to Indian television channel NDTV, citing a representative from the Indian Ministry of Defense.

War in Syria

Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara will cleanse the northern regions of Syria on its border from the Kurdish formations and create a security zone.

“We will foil all schemes against Turkey, from Syria to Iraq, both at the table and on the ground. Just like we brought to their knees those who had been equipped with thousands-of-truckload of weapons in Afrin, we will show them their place along our southern borders, starting with Manbij,” said Erdogan, speaking in the city of Iskenderun in southern Turkey.

Erdogan previously said that Ankara is ready to launch an operation east of the Euphrates against the Syrian Kurdish self-defense forces if the United States does not withdraw their allies from the region. He later said that he had decided to postpone the start of the military operation in Syria after a telephone conversation with US President Donald Trump on December 14 last year, after which Trump declared he would withdraw American troops from Syria.