Egypt confirms allegations that Turkey will appoint new ambassador to Cairo

International press reported on claims that Turkey will appoint an ambassador to Egypt after a 9-year hiatus.

United World International expert Onur Sinan Güzaltan confirmed the allegations to sources close to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We share Güzaltan’s evaluations on the subject as published in the Cumhuriyet newspaper. The original text can be read here.

Sources close to the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, speaking to the British press, shared the information that Ankara will appoint an ambassador to Cairo after 9 years, and that this person will be Salih Mutlu Şen. Şen was Turkey’s representative to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation between 2015-2020.

Political scientist Onur Sinan Güzaltan, who continues his research at the Russian People’s Friendship University (RUDN) in Moscow and previously lived in Cairo for a long time, told Cumhuriyet: A source close to the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose opinions I consulted on the subject, confirmed the information that the Ambassador in Cairo, designated by Turkey, is waiting for the approval of the Egyptian side to begin his duty. In summary, we can say that with the approval of the ambassador by Cairo, a new page will be opened in Ankara-Cairo relations.”

Emphasizing that the authorities of the two countries have not yet issued an official statement on the issue, Güzaltan also said, “Egyptian journalists, whom I asked about the developments, stated that the authorities in Cairo refrained from making positive or negative comments.”

Güzaltan continued his words as follows: “Even though the exploratory talks between Turkey and Egypt in May and September progressed slowly, it was giving the signs that a new page would be opened between the two countries…”

Emphasizing that there have been two important developments in the recent period, Güzaltan said, “The first of these was the positive messages given by the Turkish Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar regarding relations with Egypt within the framework of the Eastern Mediterranean issue for the first time. The second was the invitation of Egyptian officers to an event of the Turkish Ministry of National Defense held in March. In the statement made after the event, Egypt was counted among the friendly countries. However, this development interestingly did not find enough attention in the press…”

Diplomatic relations between Turkey and Egypt were at their lowest level since the rule of former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, ended in 2013.