Erdogan`s address, Macedonia and Kosovo – weekly outcomes

Erdogan’s address to the U.N. General Assembly’s 73rd session in New York

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, during his speech 73rd session of the UN General Assembly, said that a reform of the UN is necessary. He suggested that the organization expand the list of permanent members of the Security council.

According to him, Turkey doesn’t want UN to to be associated with failure. The Turkish leader also noted that the world is not any safer today than it was after World War II.

He also discussed the topic of Syria – according to the President, Ankara will continue to increase the number of safe zones within country to include territories east of the Euphrates River.

He also added that the Turkish military has cleared a 2,500 square mile area from Daesh and YPG-PKK terrorists as part of Euphrates Shield and Olive Branch operations.

Erdogan also criticized the UN Security Council for serving the interests of “certain powers” rather than working to ensure global peace and stability.

Erdogan`s visit to Berlin

This week, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan met German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The leaders agreed to aim at holding a four-way meeting in October to discuss the situation of the rebel-held Syrian region of Idlib.

Erdogan`s declarations:

  • Turkey will take steps for UN reform (Turkey will discuss issue with Germany, China, Russia, France, Spain first)
  • Thousands of PKK terrorists are currently living in Germany. Erdogan added, that there are hundreds of FETO terrorist organization members in the country. He addressed his expectations from Germany on more effectively combating such terrorist organizations.
  • The leaders also discussed the Can Dündar case.

Chancellor Merkel said that Germany wants a stabilized Turkey with a healthy growing economy.

The referendum in Macedonia

On the 30th of September a referendum was help in Macedonia. This Sunday, Macedonians voted on the question: “Are you in favor of membership in NATO and European Union by accepting the deal between (the) Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Greece?”

The referendum was introduced by globalist forces under the pretext of renaming of the country, changing its official name to the ‘Republic of North Macedonia’, a move that would resolve a decades-old name dispute. However, the referendum would also include the state in NATO and the European Union.

The referendum failed because of  low voter turnout (that stood at just 36.8%). High voter turnout was in the interests of globalists, who even used the Albanian factor to try to promote active participation.

The prime minister of Albania, Edie Ram, demanded that all Albanians in Macedonia vote in favor of the referendum, saying that those who don’t vote will be considered traitors. He exclaimed that on Sunday, all Albanians will vote for a “European Macedonia.”

The western politicians now try to support this failed referendum and promess Macedonia an «historic opportunity». «NATO’s door is open», said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

Escalation in Kosovo

The situation in Serbia has grown dangerous, perhaps even close to the war. Serbia has put its troops on alert due to events in Kosovo.

On Saturday the military was place on high alert in reaction to the actions of the self-proclaimed Republic of Kosovo, where Kosovar Albanian leader Hashim Thaci was escorted to the Serb-majority region of the country for a brief, unannounced visit.

“We will inform Putin of the latest developments and ask his support in all international forums”, the Serbian side exclaimed.

The situation in Kosovo has the potential to provoke major instability in the region, as the Albanians living in the Serb-majority area in Kosovo strengthen their influence.