Escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh, coronavirus, Trump scandal, new PM in Mali

The war in Nagorno-Karabakh

On September 27, large-scale battles began in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan informed that Armenian forces shelled Azerbaijani positions and settlements. Armenia blamed Azerbaijan for the beginning of the conflict.

As a result, a new Armenian-Azerbaijani war broke out.  The Azerbaijani army successfully overcame the enemy’s resistance, liberating a number of territories already on the first day.

The conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh broke out in 1987 after the Armenian community of the region declared its intention to break away from Azerbaijan. As a result, the Armenian military occupied Nagorno-Karabakh, an internationally recognized territory of Azerbaijan. One million Azerbaijanis were expelled from Nagorno-Karabakh and a ceasefire agreement was reached in 1994.

The OSCE Minsk Group, co-chaired by France, Russia and the United States, was created to find a peaceful solution to the conflict, but little progress was made.

For more than 25 years Azerbaijan tried to regain control over this territory peacefully. However, the Armenian side was not ready for compromises.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan  on Monday called on Armenia to immediately end its occupation of Azerbaijani territories.

“The crisis in the region that started with the occupation of Nagorno Karabakh must be put to an end,” he said.

Turkey continues to stand by friendly and brotherly Azerbaijan with all its capabilities and heart, the Turkish leader added.

The President stressed that the time has come to end the occupation and Armenia must immediately withdraw from Azerbaijani lands. Only then peace will reign.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan  underlined that the countries, which have been involved in the peaceful settlement for 30 years, now make statements, but thus only prolong the problem. Ankara will support Azerbaijan, Erdogan continued.

Turkey expresses its determination to help Azerbaijan with all its might. Other world players are still calling on both sides for peace. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Council of Europe and UN called for a ceasefire too.

Nevertheless, the conflict is likely to turn into a large-scale war in the region if Russia, Armenia’s ally, intervenes.

U.S. President Donald Trump said that the U.S. “will see if we can stop it”.

Iran also offered its mediation to resolve the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan.


There are more than 32 million cases and almost 985,000 deaths worldwide.

Despite the rise in disease rates, there were protests this week against quarantine and other measures against COVID-19.

Meanwhile, many countries are actively working on the vaccine.

For example, according to Johns Hopkins University, the United States has 7,005,746 known cases. Senior health officials are warning that the number will double during the winter.

Turkey reported 1467 new cases of coronavirus on Sunday and 1166 cases of recovery in the last 24 hours. According to the Ministry of Health, the total number of cases in the country is currently at least 314,433.

A 10 p.m. curfew for hotel establishments, such as pubs and restaurants was announced in England and Wales, amid growing frustration in Parliament over the lack of control over coronavirus restrictions.

Monday also marked the beginning of a series of new measures in France, where, in particular, all restaurants, cafes and bars in the Aix-Marceille region will remain closed for 15 days. The Ministry of Health decided that all restaurants, cafes and bars in many other major cities in France, such as Paris, Toulouse, Bordeaux, should be closed at 10 pm.

Trump’s tax scandal

The media in the United States discuss the probable tax evasion of the President.

The New York Times published an investigation, which states that Donald Trump allegedly did not pay an income tax in 2001- 2015, and in 2016 – 2017 paid only $750 a year.

Trump himself called the NYT article “totally fake news” and stated that he paid “a lot”.

Such accusations are connected exclusively with a tough election campaign, where globalist elites support the Democrats led by Joe Biden to return to power.

Local elections in Romania

Local government elections were in Romania on Sunday. They are viewed as a test on the eve of General Elections in December 2020.

The focus is on Bucharest, where 18 candidates – from Social Democrats, National-Liberals independent – were running for mayor. According to initial results Nicusor Dan will became the new mayor of Romanian capital. He is supported by rulliing National Liberal Party (PNL) and the liberal USR-PLUS alliance.

Elections were due back in June, but were postponed due to the threat of coronavirus spreading.

The “Truck of Soros” exposed

On Wednesday night, protests erupted in Louisville over the court decision not to charge the police with the murder of Breonna Taylor, a Black medical worker, murdered by police officers in March.

According to the footage, the U-Haul truck was used to distribute signs, shields and other riot supplies to the protesters in Louisville.

Information appeared in social networks that the truck was rented by Holly Zoller who works for “Bail Project” – an organization “designed to combat mass incarceration by disrupting the money bail system”. Its Community Outreach Director is Dolores Canales, who previously worked as a Soros Justice Fellow.

According to her profile on the “Bail Project” website Holly Zoller “has organized around anti-fascist movements”.

This information is a proof that Black Lives Matter protests are conducted by global elites to achieve their own interests, and the anti-fascist movement in the United States is closely linked to liberal globalists.

New Prime Minister in Mali

The Transitional President of Mali has appointed former Foreign Minister Moctar Ouane as Prime Minister of the country.

The appointment of a civilian prime minister was one of the main conditions imposed by the ECOWAS West African regional economic bloc on Mali to lift the sanctions imposed after the military coup of August 18.

ECOWAS closed the borders with Mali and stopped the financial flows to pressure the junta and force it to return the civilian government.

Former Defense Minister and retired Colonel Bah N’Daw was inaugurated on Friday as the new interim president, while Colonel Assimi Goita, head of the junta that staged the coup, was appointed as the new vice-president of Mali.

Three heads of government should lead the transitional government to elections in 18 months.

Renewal of oil exports in Libya

The oil production in Libya almost tripled to 250,000 barrels per day after a successful oil deal and the lifting of the blockade agreed by the commander of Libyan National Army, renegade general Khalifa Haftar and the Vice Chairman of the Presidential Council of Libya Ahmed Maiteeq.

Back in 2019 production was 1.2 million barrels per day. The situation has changed since Haftar blocked the ports and fields in mid-January. This actually led to the blockade and a sharp drop in oil production.

Ahmed Maiteeq reached a mutually beneficial agreement with Haftar to resolve the crisis.  According to the agreement, which was announced on September 18, a joint committee will be set up to monitor the fair distribution of oil revenues in all parts of Libya.

The deal with Haftar significantly strengthens Maiteeq’s position in the internationally recognized Government of National Accord of Libya (GNA). In Turkey, he is regarded as one of the most likely contenders for the place of Prime Minister of the GNA Fayez Sarraj. Earlier Sarraj stated that he would resign from leading positions till the end of October.

Ahmed Maiteeq is considered a moderate and pragmatic politician. In his foreign policy he is focused on preservation of special ties with Turkey but earlier he held also negotiations in Europe, USA and Russia.

Another contender to leadership in the GNA is Interior Minister Fathi Bashagha, who unlike Maiteeq is considered to be more pro-American candidate.