G20, Democratic debates, a pause in the trade war


The two-day G20 summit ended in Osaka, Japan. Leaders of major powers discussed security, climate, trade, etc.

The summit was marked by the United States’ disagreement with other countries on a number of issues. For example, on the Paris climate agreement, on the China trade-war issue (despite the fact that a small “reconciliation” between Beijing and Washington took place later).

The volatile situation in Iran was also discussed at length. A number of G-20 countries advocated a de-escalation of the situation in the Persian Gulf region.

Democratic party debates

The United States hosted the first round of debates between 20 members of the Democratic Party, who hope to win the nomination to go up against President Donald Trump in the 2020 elections.

The debate was divided into two days – 10 candidates participated in the first part of the discussions. The most notable candidate, according to the media, was Elizabeth Warren.

The second part also involved 10 people, but the debates were much livelier. As United World International wrote earlier, Joe Biden, who seemed a surefire choice to be Trump’s primary opponent, spoke drowsily and uncertainty. The popular Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders did not speak very much this time, while Kamala Harris, a potentially new candidate from the globalists in the presidential election, stole the show by denouncing Biden’s record on race issues.

Pause in the trade war

Following a meeting between President Xi Jinping and US President Donald Trump, China and the United States agreed to resume trade negotiations.

The meeting of the leaders lasted 1 hour and 20 minutes, and was held on the margins of the G20 summit in Osaka.

According to Xi Jinping, the United States and China will benefit from constructive relationship. He noted that the US benefits from a cooperation and would lose out in a continued confrontation.