Georgian protests, military parade, Libya and Turkey 

Georgian protests

New protests took place this week in Georgia. On July 4, the Georgian Interior Ministry announced the detention of four people accused of assaulting police officers during rallies in central Tbilisi on June 20-21.

On Thursday, the Prosecutor General’s Office announced that it was investigating a meeting about organizing mass riots and an attempted coup d’état to seize power, activities that could result in a maximum penalty of imprisonment between four to six years and 15 to 20 years respectively. The ministry noted that work is continuing to identify other individuals involved in the riots.

Military parade

On Independence Day in the United States, President Donald Trump delivered a speech on the country’s military might, in which he made several gaffs, including mentioning the F-22 fighter, which was completely discontinued eight years ago, as “completely new.” He also described America’s founding fathers as having occupied “airports” during the war for independence, despite that airplanes did not yet exist at that time.

The speech was given from behind bulletproof glass at the Abraham Lincoln Memorial in Washington.

Libya and Turkey

Turkey stated that it was in favor of conducting an international investigation of the airstrike on the migrant detention center in the suburb of the Libyan capital Tripoli.

“The attack on a migrant detention center in the eastern suburb of Tripoli, Tajura, is a crime against humanity. To identify the perpetrators, you must immediately begin an international investigation. We expect the international community to take action as soon as possible, ”the Turkish communiqué noted.

The airstrike on the migrant center occurred on Wednesday night. According to the UN Mission in Libya, more than 50 people were killed, and more than 130 injured.

After the incident, the internationally recognized Government of National Accord (PNS) reported that the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by General Khalifa Haftar, launched air strikes on a camp in Tajur, which mainly contained refugees from Africa, Egypt and Bengal.