Germany is being dragged into war

Interview by Meral Akkaya

The released recording and text by Margarita Simonyan, the Editor-in-Chief of Russia Today, regarding German officers sparked a huge outcry. In recordings German officers were planning a long-range Taurus missile attack on the Crimean Bridge. The participants in the conversation dated February 19 includes head of Air Force Operations Brigadier General Frank, Air Force Chief Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz and officials from the Air Operations Center of the Space Force Command named Fenske and Frostedt.

Berlin’s initial response was to launch an investigation on how the recording leaked. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, We demand an explanation immediately and the German Ambassador to Moscow, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, was summoned by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

What do the recordings show us? Is Germany heading towards war? What is Germany’s objective? UWI author Mehmet Perinçek answered our questions.

The recordings show who fuels the war

The recordings have clearly showed that the war isn’t only between Russia and Ukraine, but also between Russia and the Atlantic front, within NATO’s strategy of encircling Russia. Even more, the war isn’t merely between Russia and the Atlantic front, but between Eurasia and the Atlantic.

Also, the recordings showed who wants peace and who fuels the war and who the aggressor is. The target in recordings is a civilian bridge. Another example of Western furtiveness. We also witnessed such plans in other countries. Türkiye also faced similar insidious provocations and attacks, with the West hiding behind the PKK. US soldiers were directly involved in recent attacks in the Metina and Gara regions in northern Iraq.

This unveils the hypocrisy and ruthlessness of the West, risking the massacre of numerous civilians by targeting a civilian bridge. Also, this is a coward plan by hiding behind Ukraine. The West sacrifices the Ukrainian people for its own interests and in the event of failure, they will abandon Ukraine.

Public opinion is being prepared to war against Russia

Some news in the European press portrayed the recordings as “Putin’s game” or “not that important”. Germany decided to block access to accounts that published the recordings. How to interpret these?

Such news are reflecting so-called “democracy” and “press freedom” in the West. What more important here is that the panic in Germany is not so much about the existence of such a plan, but rather that it was leaked. With few exceptions, no one raised a voice against the violation of international law or the intention to draw Germany into a war. This is what’s terrifying.

The tactic in Germany is to prepare the public for a potential war with Russia by normalizing to make such plans. This is a very dangerous process that could lead European populations, especially Germans, to suffer the consequences and become victims of their own governments.

Putin’s recent statement that “Europeans, Westerners have forgotten about war, they don’t know it. They think it’s a cartoon” gains significance when considered together with the reactions to the recordings.

Germany is being dragged into the war

What is your prediction for the relations between Russia and Germany?

I think the most critical point here is that Germany is embarking on a new path. The German state, with both the ruling and opposition sections, are preparing for war against Russia. Not only these recent recordings, there are other indicators for that. Talks of mandatory conscription, the health minister’s statement that healthcare system not being ready for a war, and the increasing militarization of foreign policy all point to a grave preparation for war. Funding to army has been greatly increased in recent years. German society is being nationalized in this sense. Germany is looking for opportunities to intervene in developments everywhere in the world. Previously, all this wasn’t something talked about or even imagined in Germany.

On 16 March 2021, the British published a report titled “Global Britain” and put forward various ideas for Britain to become active again in the imperialist division and to emerge as a pole. Following this report, we began to see Britain’s provocative activities and imperialist ambitions all over the world. from the Black Sea to Taiwan. Now a similar process is taking place in Germany.

Germany started a process to become an imperial power

Similarly, the European Union published “Strategic Compass 2022”. This Compass includes “arming Europe”, “establishing intervention forces” and issues related to Cyprus. Here we see the idea of arming Europe and transforming it into an intervention force, with Germany at the center. Now, looking at Germany’s policies mentioned and the leaked recordings, it becomes evident that Germany is entering a process of increasing imperialist ambitions, similar to the UK.

What is now happening in Germany can be read as preparation for a potential return of Trump to power. They aim to fill the void that may occur in the case that the US turn more inside with Trump administration.

This is a path previously attempted by Macron’s France during Trump’s first term. Macron escalated hegemonic ambitions from Africa to the South Caucasus and the Eastern Mediterranean. But failed. Now, we see aggressive and militarization policies increasing in Germany.

Europe needs a movement against war

Many European countries support the Ukraine. What are the consequences of this Europe?

It cost Europe dearly. Firstly, the aid to Ukraine, including military assistance, comes out of the pockets of European citizens. Secondly, there are problems due to the sanctions, that is increase in energy prices, difficulties in the German industry, harm to production and the loss of the Russian market.

There is a crucial need for a strong anti-war movement in Europe, restraining their governments. The reactions so far have been so weak.

Ukraine is losing the war

What is your prediction concerning the upcoming period of the war in Ukraine?

Ukraine is losing the war, leading to internal conflicts. Conflicts and competition between different state units, as well as between the Chief of General Staff and the President, have become more pronounced.

It is worth noting that in Europe, various aggressive tendencies are emerging, particularly in Germany and France, like sending troops to Ukraine or engaging in provocative plans. During the early stages of the war, when Ukraine resisted Russia successfully, there were tales like Ukraine would reclaim Crimea and even march all the way to Moscow. Even at that time, neither Germany nor France mentioned sending troops, avoiding directly involvement in the war. Taking this into account, it would be unexpected for Europe to engage in such aggressive adventures. Nevertheless, it is evident that there are some preparations in this direction which can be put into practice if they decide the right time and conditions met.

Germanys failure is inevitable

France or Germany’s ambitions and objectives exhibit a significant gap. This was what made Macron’s France unsuccessful. If Germany were to embark on a similar venture, the same fate with Macron would be inevitable. Because, firstly, we live in a different world characterized by a multipolarity. There is an emerging economic, political and military front against the imperialist plans of the Western bloc. Even former allies of the West are drifting away from the Western camp. Across various regions, from the Gulf countries to Africa, South America and Asia, we see significant awakenings and state-level resistances against imperial forces.

Secondly, the Western bloc is having an internal division over the Ukraine issue. The US has recognized the failure in Ukraine and is seeking to shift blame onto Zelensky while having talks with Russia behind the scenes. So much so that the US is pushing back some demands of the UK on Ukraine. Remind that Accusations against the UK have also reported.

Is it possible that the US exposed the hawks in Germany?

The leak of the recording of “hawks” in Germany is not solely attributable to Russian intelligence. The US also wields considerable influence within the German state. After World War II, Germany has been almost as an American colony. There are US military bases, eavesdropping scandals in the country. In a period where the US is engaging in talks with Russia behind the scenes, blaming the UK and Europe for Zelensky’s failure, maybe some factions within the US exposed the “hawks” in Germany?

Alternatively, are there no rational forces within Germany? We know that German industry and big bourgeoisie aren’t in comfort with the deterioration of relations with Russia. Why wouldn’t there occur opposition voices against dragging Germany into such a risky venture?