Golan Heights, Yellow Vests, Kazakhstan

Golan Heights scandal

US President Donald Trump tweeted that the time had come to recognize the full sovereignty of Israel over the Golan Heights. Prior to this, the United States, although it remained the main allies of Israel in the Middle East, adhered to the decisions of the UN Security Council, which considers Israeli control over the Golan Heights an illegal occupation.

Golan Heights is a mountain plateau on the border between Israel and Syria. Most of the area has been controlled by Israeli forces since 1967. The significance of the region is determined by their physiographic characteristics (open space, resort, fresh water).

For Syria, in turn, the Israeli control over the Golan Heights poses a constant threat, signaling the rapid advance of the Israelis to the capital, Damascus,  located only 60 kilometers from the eastern edge of the plateau.

Turkey opposed the US decision to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel. Turkey supports the territorial integrity of Syria, Ankara made clear.

Macron vs. Yellow Vests

Macron tried to prevent the Yellow Vests from demonstrating in Paris. In addition, the authorities banned mass meetings, in particular, in Bordeaux and Nice.

Nonetheless, about 40,500 French citizens participated in Act 19.

Previously, Macron promised to tighten legislation against the protesters.

The Yellow Vest protests, which forced the government to abandon the introduction of new taxes and temporarily freeze electricity prices, have continued in France since mid-November.

The movement is pushing to alter President Macron’s neo-liberal economic course, and demanding his resignation.

Kazakhstan’s new president

Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev announced his resignation of the head of state. He will retain the post of head of the country’s security council and leader of the ruling party. Nazarbayev was president for nearly 29 years. Elections will be held next year.

Nazarbayev became president in 1990. In April 2015, he was re-elected for another term with 97.7% of the vote. His powers expired in April of the following year.

The new President of Kazakhstan, Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev, appointed Marat Tazhin as State Secretary of the Republic.