“Israel wants to provoke the US into a big war against Iran”

Russia's perspective on developments in the Middle East.

West Asia is going through historic days.

The assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh by Israel in Tehran is on the world agenda. Iran’s response is being discussed. Meanwhile Türkiye and Syria are likely to take steps towards normalisation after 11 years.

How does Russia view the developments in West Asia?

I asked Viacheslav Matuzov, one of Russia’s experienced diplomats who served in Arab countries for many years.

In connection with the latest developments, can we talk about concrete cooperation and coordination between Russia and Iran in West Asia?

Relations between Russia and Iran have been developing in the last decades in a very positive form and matter. I think that it is important that bilateral relations are absolutely clearer for Iranian rulers and Russian rulers. President Putin respects his big neighbour on the southern borders. Iran has a very important role in future developments of economic ties, above of all, with its way of Russian goods to the Indian Ocean, to Pakistan, to Afghanistan, Iran to the Middle East and to the Gulf area.
I think economical and transport issues are very important for our economic future. With Türkiye we also have very good relations despite that we have no terrestrial border. But with Iran we also have common borders through the Caspian Sea. Iran is not seeking any conflicts with its neighbours, with Arab countries especially in the Gulf area.

On the contrary, Iran in my opinion is demonstrating its peaceful intention for better relations with Saudi Arabia, with the United Arab Emirates. And they handle common problems. In Bahrain for example… They have conflicting interests with the United Arab Emirates about island issues. But I think they succeeded in living in a peaceful manner all previous decades… Troubles came after the US and Western countries’ involvement and their hostilities against Iran after the Iranian revolution. They pushed Arab countries to confront Iranian policy in the Gulf area.

Russia doesn’t inspire any conflict and confrontation. On the contrary Russia is interested in stability, in development of economic ties between the countries of the region. So we are happy with the initiative of China to bring Saudi Arabia and Iran together.

The US and the Western world encourage Israel

If I need to be more concrete about the latest developments: What attitude will Russia take if an open conflict begins between Iran and Israel?

Russia opposes an armed conflict between Iran and Israel.

So I think that it is absolutely unacceptable, and Russia does everything to provide a peaceful solution and to put an end to any bombardments of Iran, killing Iranian politicians.

This is a violation of international law from the Israeli side. Russia condemned the policy of massacre of the Israeli Government very strongly in the United Nations(UN) and in the media. I believe that a military response by Iran to Israel will increase tension in the region.

The US and Western world encourage Israel for these actions against Iran, Syria and the whole region.

I think the Iranian government is absolutely in the right position. Iran doesn’t like to begin any military actions against Israel because Iran doesn’t want war. Iran concentrates on economic development and progress but not inspiring war.

Israel is the one who wants war. Israel attacks Iranian targets. It is unacceptable and against international law. Qasem Soleimani for example… He was an official of Iran. Why did they kill him? Why did they bombard the Iranian embassy in Damascus? Because the US is supporting them.

No country officially wants to enter an official war against Iran. Because Israel understands the balance of power in the region very clearly. Iran shows that it is capable of responding to Israel. Balance of power is not in favour of Israel. But Israel wants to use the US to destroy Iran.

Arab countries are out of the game because of the Chinese initiative between the Gulf and Iran. Saudi-Iran relations are peaceful.

So Israel wants to provoke the US into a big war against Israel. Israel wants to provoke Iran by these attacks and the second step will be the involvement of the US. Iran doesn’t follow these Israeli provocations. Iran understands very clearly the intention of Israel. They have patience and clever decisions.

Discussion between Iran and the US is going on in different points of the Middle East. In Oman for example, there are direct negotiations between Iran and US security authorities. Oman is a good place for such negotiations. Iran and the US are flexible. It is a way to regulate Iranian-American relations. After the US elections, it could continue. Israel failed to push Iran to a war. Iran also has good relations with Türkiye. As Russia we are for good relations and stability in the region. I think all efforts of Netanyahu for a big war failed. Iran is wise and understands US policies very well.

And Gulf countries are out of the game. Bin Salman in Saudi Arabia also has wise policies.

BRICS could play an important role. Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Iran could play important roles in BRICS. The next BRICS meeting is in Kazan, probably other countries will join the Organisation. It is an important and positive intention for the multipolar world. The US is losing influence in the Arab world.  Russia is against bloc policy under command of the US.

The US failed to establish a unipolar world.

Normalization between Türkiye and Syria reflects the Russian interests in the Middle East

What is Russia’s role in the Türkiye-Syria normalization process? Why does Russia want to accelerate the normalization process between Türkiye and Syria?

Russia is accelerating that process of course.

Russian interests are to settle all the disputes between Türkiye and Syria because in Syria we have our military base in Hmeimim and military sea base in Tartus… So, stability and nonviolence is very important for Russian national interests… We have historical relations with Syria from Soviet days, from the 60’s even before the Baas party was in rule, even before the Assad family. We don’t push Syria to confront Türkiye, Western or Arab countries.

Former US president Trump openly declared that ISIS was supported militarily and economically by the US administration.

Normalization between Türkiye and Syria reflects the Russian interests in the Middle East. The Middle East is passing through difficult times. The Arab world is important for Russian foreign policy.

Türkiye and Syria have a long history of good relations. I know it very well because I was responsible for Soviet-Syria relations for many years. I think that Adana agreement is important. It is regulating border issues between Türkiye and Syria. At that time, they had not peaceful relations because of terrorist groups disturbing Türkiye and also Syria. Syrian and Turkish governments found the opportunity to bring an agreement. I think it is a good base for a peaceful solution to the current situation, to withdraw Turkish supported forces from Syria and to normalise the bilateral relation.

The main problem for this process of normalization is American presence and its support to Kurdish movements in Syria. I agree with those who consider that the creation of a Rojava state in Syria is a dangerous policy and threatens the national interest of Syria, Türkiye, Iraq and other states of this region.

I think the main problem is that the countries of the region have to develop common policies against this destructive policy of the US which wants to change the borders of countries of the region.

Russian Federation supported united and centralised rule of Palestinian authority

Hamas delegations have frequently visited Moscow in recent times. Can we say that Russia openly supports Hamas against Israel?

I don’t think that it reflects Russian policy fully because Russia has no intention to support a certain Palestinians organisation.  Soviet Union and Russian Federation supported united and centralised rule of Palestinian authority on Palestinian soil.
And we support the decision of the United Nations resolutions on Palestinian issue, including the resolution that obliged the creation of 2 states.

Hamas is welcomed in Russia as a Palestinian organization, but not as a central organization that we should talk about the future of Palestinian issue. The Ramallah government and Mahmoud Abbas are the central and official authority in Palestine. According to us, the only legitimate representative of Palestinian people is Mahmud Abbas and his government. It is quite normal for us to meet with Hamas, one of the organizations representing Palestine.

Russia is militarily active in Syria. What is Russia’s attitude towards preventing Israeli attacks against Syria?

Russia doesn’t inspire the Syrian government or army to confront or enter military actions against Israel. Because it needs the involvement of the Russian army to direct military actions against Israel which is very dangerous not only for Russia and Israel but for all countries of the region.

I think that Israel understands this delicate position of Russia and is trying to tease the Russian government by making attacks against Syrian territories saying that these attacks are against Iranian or Hezbollah forces located in Syrian territories.
The Israeli government was not far from ISIS. Because the main heads of ISIS forces in Golan Heights were helped and escaped from Syrian attacks and they were replaced to Israel with the support of Israeli army and special forces. We are not war against Israel because we have our own war in Ukraine. West is openly and unconditionally supporting Israel. Russia is not ready to be involved in this adventure.

We understand but not support the Houthis.

What is Russia’s stance on Yemen? How do you evaluate the Houthis’ activities in the region, especially in the Bab El Mandeb Strait?

We are not supporting the shooting in Bab El Mandeb Strait because of one reason: the free world trade opportunities should be respected. We are not supporting the closing of Bab El Mandeb. But we understand the activities of Houthis in Bab El Mandeb. They are supporting the Palestinians peoples in Gaza…

In Gaza, Israel killed 40.000 people and injured almost 80000 people. They bombarded mostly civilians. It is not acceptable. Russia is in solidarity with Palestinian people. President Putin openly declared it during his meeting with Mahmoud Abbas.

So I can say that we understand but do not support the Houthis.