Italian Perspectives on the Emerging New World Order

Turkey’s Vatan Party has started an Initiative on the New International Order (NINTO) and organized an international symposium. 38 distinguished speakers representing 24 countries from 6 continents parcipated in the symposium, among them various experts of United World International.

Participants debated a wide range of issues from the end of the unipolar world to the crisis of neoliberalism, from identity politics to alternative concepts of security alliances and political economy.

UWI will present in the coming days the speeches held in the symposium in the hope of encouraging the debate on the emerging new world order.

Today we present the speech held by UWI expert Fabrizio Verde on the Symposium. Subheadings were set by UWI.

The US-led unipolar order has entered a phase of inevitable decline. The time has come to build a just system of international relations. The old order has passed. The rise of China and Russia, the economic growth of the developing world, and the move of a number of nations in Latin America toward a socialist agenda are realities that facilitate the advent of the new multipolar order. Trade between Russia, China, Iran and South America is booming now. And it will continue to grow as their economies trade with their own currencies bypassing the US Dollar.

In a vain attempt to stop the rise of China and Russia, the United States attacks these countries with imperialist fury. But the alliance between Russia and China represents a “mighty shield” of peace and global security. As affirmed by the leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro in one of his latest articles.

“Italy cornered between two types of imperialism”

Now Italy is a country cornered between two types of imperialism, the main one is American imperialism, which uses its military presence, occupying the country with several NATO bases. Not a leaf moves in Rome without Washington’s approval. The second one is the European Union’s imperialism: although it is subordinated to the US and NATO, it exerts a further nefarious influence on the Italian peninsula. Particularly, from an economic-financial point of view, the notorious external budget constraint and the euro issue represent a real condemnation of eternal austerity for Italy.

Rome is actually imprisoned by the action of these two imperialist forces, and needs to turn its gaze eastwards towards Eurasia to free itself from this infernal grip. In particular, it can receive assistance from the two bastions of the new multipolar order: China and Russia.

In this scenario Italy has the opportunity to break the cage in which it is currently locked up. Depressed, humiliated and deprived of any residue of sovereignty. Embracing the new multipolar world order, Rome can break the disastrous submission to Atlanticist geopolitical interests.

“Italy needs to breake the cage”

Italy can also take advantage of its central position in the Mediterranean, which has once again become a strategic quadrant of geopolitics and geoeconomics in the world.

The Mediterranean Sea is central for international trade. The foreign trade of some of the largest economies in the world with the countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean has been growing steadily for 15 years.

The unprecedented ascendancy of the People’s Republic of China is in part a result of this increase in trade. The Asian giant is preparing to overtake the United States as the world’s leading economic power in a few years. Beijing’s trade in the Mediterranean area in the last 15 years has had a monstrous increase: about 841%. A large chunk of this trade passed through the Suez Canal. Central location for Chinese strategies based on the strategic initiative of the New Silk Road. The Mediterranean has become a key hub for China to reach the European market and the MENA area, which together represent the largest GDP and trade area in the world. And let us not forget that the Mediterranean is fundamental as a gateway to Africa, a continent with serious growth potential and resources.

Due to its geographical position, Italy represents the natural platform for connecting the Asia – Suez – Mediterranean sea routes with continental Europe. It can best play this role by recovering its historic role as stabilizing power, rather than subordinating itself to imperialism.

For example, through collaboration with Turkey and recognizing the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, the right climate could be created for a Mediterranean of peace and prosperity.

Turkish-Italian cooperation and Cyprus

Italy and Turkey are two maritime and Mediterranean powers. They have a balanced bilateral trade worth about $ 20 billion. Italy is Turkey’s fifth trading partner and the second largest in the European Union after Germany. Rome and Ankara have common geopolitical priorities in the Mediterranean.

The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is definitely a sovereign and independent state that controls and governs a territory effectively since its proclamation took place on the 15th of November 1983 by the Turkish Cypriot parliament. This parliament is an entity that articulates the free will of the Turkish Community in Cyprus.

A decided Italian government with a straightforward strategic vision could proceed with the recognition of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. A move with the potential of changing the game and displacing those (like France) who try to enter the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as to disrupt the imperialist plans of the US- Israeli alliance.

Italy’s perspective: multipolar world and Eurasia

In conclusion: the long-term strategic perspective for Italy now is to break with the US-led unipolar order to embrace the emerging multipolar order based on mutually beneficial cooperation between sovereign Russian-Chinese-Eurasian states.