No country should monopolize international affairs

On 5 April 2024, in Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, a round table was held in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant. Its title: “On the importance of the principles of peaceful coexistence of states with different political systems to ensure genuine peace and sustainable security in the 21st century. Immanuel Kant’s legacy”. The conference was held at the Baltic Federal University as part of the expansion and intensification of the work of the “Friends of Russia Club” with the support of the United Russia Party (Russia). Politicians and public figures from Azerbaijan, Cambodia, India, Latvia, Lebanon, Moldova, Norway, Pakistan, Russia, South Africa, Türkiye and the USA took part in the event in person and online.

The participants of the meeting noted that the modern world is undergoing qualitative changes that contribute to the formation of a more just and polycentric world order. This formation of a multipolar world was evaluated as an objective geopolitical reality, reflecting the very logic of the development of international processes.

The speakers also stressed that the new world order should be based on the principles of sovereign equality and coexistence of countries regardless of their political and social systems, since it is peaceful interaction between different geopolitical, economic, cultural and civilizational centers on the principles of balance of interests rather than forceful deterrence, pressure, political or economic blackmail that is the guarantee of reliable, equal and indivisible security. This includes resolute opposition to interference in the internal affairs of states.

Thus, the roundtable participants agreed that:

 – Immanuel Kant’s idea of “federalism of free states” can become the basis for the formation of a new world order.

 – Peaceful coexistence of states with different political and social systems is the basis for equal and mutually beneficial co-operation between peoples in the realities of the 21st century.

 – It is necessary to consolidate political parties, social movements, non-governmental organizations and experts in order to protect the right of nations to choose their development paths.

 – Unlawful interference in the internal affairs of states is inadmissible.

The meeting was also attended and addressed by Dr Mehmet Perinçek, representative of the Vatan Party (Türkiye) in Russia and author of United World International.

As United World International, we share some of the speeches made at this event with our readers.

The first speech we are presenting is by the President of BRICS International Forum, Purnima Anand from India.


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,

Today, we are meeting here to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant, a great German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers.

It’s a spiritual and divine resemblance of natural intelligence that today I am present on this important round table discussion feeling like divine powers called me. It’s an honor to be present here in this April gathering at Kaliningrad.

Today’s world is going through profound and intricate changes. Peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit have become an unstoppable trend. Countries are bound together in this community of common destiny.

In the new era today, the spirit of the Immanuel Kant philosophy of Peaceful Coexistence, instead of being outdated, remains as relevant as ever; its significance, rather than diminishing, remains as important as ever; and its role, rather than being weakened, has continued to grow.

To uphold global peace and promote common development remains a daunting challenge facing mankind.

All countries, regardless of their size, strength or level of development, are equal members of the international community, and they are entitled to equal participation in international affairs.

The internal affairs of a country should be managed by its own people. We should respect the right of a country to choose its own social system and model of development, and oppose the attempt to oust the legitimate government of a country through illegal means to seek self-interests or to impose one’s own views.

Second, we should uphold common security. Security should be universal.

All countries have the right to participate in international and regional security affairs on an equal footing and shoulder the shared responsibility to maintain security both internationally and in various regions.

We should champion common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security, and respect and ensure every country’s security.

It is unacceptable to have security just for one country or some countries while leaving the rest insecure. And still less should one be allowed to seek the so-called “absolute security” of itself at the expense of others’ security. We need to step up cooperation at the global and regional level and jointly counter non-traditional security threats which are on the increase, fight against terrorism of all forms and remove the breeding ground of terrorism.

This will help build a more equal and more balanced new global partnership for development and cement the foundation for achieving long-term and stable global growth.

These principles, based on Immanuel Kant’s philosophy, offer a powerful intellectual tool for countries to uphold their sovereignty and independence, and they have thus become a rallying call for enhancing solidarity, cooperation and strength among them.

The Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have become the basic norms governing international relations, as well as basic principles of international law.

These principles have deepened the mutual understanding and trust among developed and developing countries, boosted South-South cooperation and also contributed to the improvement of North-South relations.

These principles, as an integrated, interconnected and indivisible concept, capture the essence of today’s international relations, and can apply to relations among all countries regardless of their social system, stage of development or size.

In the international society, there should be just one law that applies to all. There is no such law that applies to others but not oneself, or vice versa. There should not be double standards when applying the law. We should jointly uphold the authority and sanctity of international law and the international order.

We should jointly promote greater democracy in international relations. The destiny of the world must be determined by people of all countries, and world affairs should be managed through consultation by governments and peoples of all countries. The notion of dominating international affairs belongs to a different age, and such an attempt is doomed to failure.

We should jointly promote the rule of law in international relations. We should urge all parties to abide by international law and well-recognized basic principles governing international relations and use widely applicable rules to tell right from wrong and pursue peace and development. All countries should exercise their rights in accordance with the law, oppose bending international law, and reject any attempt to undermine, in the name of “rule of law”, other countries’ legitimate rights and interests as well as peace and stability.

“All living things are nourished without injuring one another, and all roads run parallel without interfering with one another.” We should respect diversity of civilizations and promote exchanges, dialogue, peaceful and harmonious coexistence among different civilizations and should not seek supremacy or denigrate other civilizations and nations. Human history tells us that any attempt to establish a dominant civilization in the world is an illusion.

We should jointly uphold and develop an open global economy, promote strong, sustainable and balanced global growth as well as trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and uphold open regional cooperation. We should oppose protectionism of all forms and any attempt or practice to hurt others’ interests or shift crisis to others.

The core of these Principles is that there is sovereign equality among all countries and that no country should monopolize international affairs.

Now BRICS is actively working towards building a new model of major-country relationship with the world, forging a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination with BRICS member countries and building partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization.

We should jointly promote more balanced international relations, advance reform in global governance in keeping with new changes in the relative strengths of international forces, respond to concerns and aspirations of various parties, and better uphold the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.

We should help each other out in times of difficulty and assume both rights and responsibilities. We should work together to address growing global issues such as climate change, energy and resources security, cybersecurity and major natural disasters, in a common endeavor to protect our planet which is so crucial to our survival.

In short, we are ready to work with all others to uphold world peace and boost common development.

Security can be solid and enduring only if it is based on moral high ground and vision.

I congratulate to Mr. Andrey Klimov, Member of the Bureau of the supreme council of the United Russia Party for organizing this special program at the time of growing conflicts at different places in the world, which are harmful for the world community at large.

Thank You.