Norman Finkelstein: ‘The occupied territories have already been annexed’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to “annex” the illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley, based on the so-called Middle East peace plan announced by US President Donald Trump in January.

However, both in the Israeli parliament and in the Trump government, there seems to be an indecision on this matter. On the other hand, The World doesn’t endorse Israel’s annexation plan. There is a lot of reaction and excitement in the UN, EU, ICC… And Palestinian authority is calling Israel’s move as a “declaration of war on Palestinian human rights.”

While Israeli prime minister said Israeli and US officials continue to discuss the start of “annexation”, people close to Netanyahu told local media the plan could be implemented later this month.

American political scientist Prof. Norman Finkelstein answered our questions on the so-called “Deal of the Century” and the “annexation” plan of Israel. Prof. Finkelstein said that Israel’s invasion of the West Bank, including Gaza and East Jerusalem, has been going on for 53 years: “it is no longer a temporary occupation but an actual annexation.”