Portugal elections, Tunisia elections, Iraqi protests

Elections in Portugal

Parliamentary elections were held in Portugal this week, with current Prime Minister Antonio Costa’s Socialist party claiming victory. However, the party was unable to form an absolute majority in parliament. As a result, Costa will have to look for allies with whom to form a coalition or face losing the prime minister’s seat.

In the parliamentary election 4 years ago, Costa party formed an alliance with the Communist Party and the Greens.

Tunisian elections

The moderate Islamist party, Ennahdha party, lead the polls by a small margin in the parliamentary elections in Tunisia. The Qalb Tounes party (Heart of Tunisia) took second, despite having been formed only shortly before the contest began. The party belongs to media mogul Nabil Karoui, who will continue to the second round.

Protests in Iraq

Around 100 people were killed during riots and clashes with law enforcement during five days of unrest in Iraq. The Protests have not subsided since Tuesday, having formed in opposition to rampant corruption, poverty and unemployment.

The current government, led by Adel Abdul Mahdi, is asking the protesters to give him time to develop reforms designed to improve the quality of life in the country.