Serbia, Kosovo and the LGBT

By Utku Reyhan

We are on the verge of another mistake in Türkiye’s foreign policy.

As a result of its commitment to NATO, the Turkish government has decided to send additional troops to Kosovo as a reserve force. Just like we sent troops to Libya to overthrow Gaddafi. Or as we dug ourselves into a hole with the PKK/YPG in Syria by joining the “Coalition Forces”. We can also add our contribution to the disgraceful NATO/US occupation in Afghanistan.

Kosovo is an artificial state

Siding with Kosovo is an important choice because it is an artificial structure created by the US to intervene in the Balkans. In fact, it is not a state. It is just a “structure”. It is not even a member of the United Nations.

The overwhelming majority of the world’s states in terms of population and economy do not recognize the Kosovo. For China, India, Russia, Brazil, Brazil, Indonesia, Indonesia, Mexico, the Central Asian Turkic Republics, and almost all of Asia, Africa and South America, a state called Kosovo does not exist.

Kosovo emerged as a result of NATO’s brutal attack on Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia. Just like the PKK, a gang of drug couriers called the UÇK, fighting with US money and arms, runs it. There is a puppet regime there and even the law enforcement agency is NATO!

Sympathy for Kosovo

The issue of Kosovo’s independence is one of the points where the alignment at a global level is crystallizing. The position you take here determines your position in the world. In short, if you side with Kosovo, you side with the US. That way, you will magnify the threat to Türkiye.

Unfortunately, both the government and the opposition in Türkiye sympathize with Kosovo. This is because Turkish politics is not only militarily but also intellectually trapped in the “NATO concept”.

Especially conservatives are siding with Kosovo on the grounds that the majority of Kosovo’s population is Muslim. However, how far can a US-EU-NATO satellite be Muslim?

Exemplary Muslim country

Let’s approach the Serbia – Kosovo issue through a case study, through comparative attitudes of the two countries towards LGBT imposition.

Kosovo is a country that has surrendered to the LGBT imposition from the moment it was supposedly founded. This is quite natural because it has no power and will of its own. It is controlled thoroughly from the West. It owes its very existence to the West. Therefore, the ideological hegemony of the West, including the LGBT imposition, manifests itself unrestrictedly.

  • LGBT is constitutionally protected in Kosovo.
  • Every year, “pride marches” are organized in Kosovo. In addition to the US and UK Ambassadors to Kosovo, UÇK leader and former President Hashim Thaci also participates in these marches. He was participating at the time of his office as well.
  • Kosovo’s Constitutional Court has ruled that same-sex marriage should be legalized. Steps towards the legalization of marriage and child adoption are expected in the near future.
  • The age of 14 is the “age of consent” for sexual orientation.
  • There are many CIA and EU funded LGBT organizations in the country.
  • With all these features, Kosovo is being presented as a “role model” for other Muslim countries.

Homophobic Serbia

This is the situation in Muslim Kosovo. Let’s look at Serbia.

  • Serbian President Alaksandar Vucic has refused to allow the so-called Euro-pride gay demonstrations that take place in European capitals.
  • Last year 50,000 Serbian citizens marched in the Belgrade capital against the West’s LGBT impositions.
  • In 2021, Vucic declared that even if Serbia’s parliament passes a law approving same-sex marriage, he would veto it.
  • Serbia is described by Western human rights organizations as a “homophobic” country. However, gay citizens are legally no different from other Serbian citizens. Therefore, they are not subjected to discrimination. The reason why Serbia is labeled “homophobic” is because it stands against LGBT imposition.

What is the stance of Türkiye?

The worldwide struggle between East and West or Eurasia and Atlantic is not only a military and economic struggle. It also has an ideological – cultural dimension. Orthodox Serbia and Russia are on the same side as Muslim Türkiye and Azerbaijan. Countries like the Turkic States, China and Hungary are likewise.

It is noteworthy that all of them are targeted by US imperialism both in terms of security and economy. Therefore, their destinies are common. And it is not surprising that they all share a common position against the LGBT imposition.

So the question is: What force is pushing us towards Kosovo at a moment when our relations with Serbia, and through it with the whole of Asia, are so improved, and culturally they are closer to us?