Something is wrong here!

While the European Police Office (Europol) complains about a serious increase in the number of crimes committed by the PKK terrorist organization against the Turkish communities in Germany, the UN, as a result of negotiations with terrorists, signed an agreement on the “withdrawal of children-fighters from the group’s forces”, which provoked a wave of public outrage.

Turkey strongly criticized UN actions. In particular, President Erdogan strongly protested the signing of an agreement between the UN and the YPG / PKK, stating: “The fact that the UN is at the negotiating table with a terrorist organization and signing an agreement with it, as if recognizing their official status, is in itself at least, scandal. ”

The Turkish Foreign Ministry statement also stresses: “We strongly condemn the signing of an agreement between the UN and the PKK terrorists without the knowledge of other members. This UN step is unacceptable and cannot be justified by anything.”

Turkey, not limiting herself to expressing her displeasure, sent a note of protest to the UN headquarters in Geneva, where the so-called “action plan” was signed with the PKK terrorists, and Swiss officials who granted them permission to enter the country.


It is no secret that many European countries, first of all, Germany, have been harboring PKK members for many years. The recent ostentatious operations in Germany against the PKK, the arrest of several terrorists and the statements of the authorities to cut off the organization’s financial sources by closing two front companies do not seem convincing to the Turkish side.

Is Europe for years covering a terrorist organization worried?


Recently, the European Police Office (Europol) reported a serious increase in the number of crimes committed by the PKK terrorist organization against Turkish communities, mosques and shops in Germany. A report on the situation in the field of countering terrorism has been published on the Europol website. The report stresses that in Germany “there is a significant surge in attacks on Turkish organizations, mosques and shops.”


The report stresses that the attacks in Germany are an act of revenge for the Turkish operation in Afrin in 2018, and are carried out by PKK terrorists with the support of far-right groups that are growing in the EU countries.


According to the information presented in the report, PKK members and their supporters in Europe are campaigning to collect membership fees and sell airtime on radio and television. It also notes that the PKK forcibly demands money from Kurdish shop owners and other companies. It is reported that in this regard, last year a Belgian court ruled to arrest 4 people. The report notes that the PKK provides logistical and financial support to its branches in Syria. It is emphasized that PKK members are involved in crimes such as drug trafficking, organized crime, money laundering.


Meanwhile, while European police are registering an increase in criminal activity from the PKK, the UN has been at the center of the scandal. As it became known, the UN special representative, Virginia Gamba, on June 29 at the UN headquarters in Geneva met with representatives of a terrorist organization that calls itself Syrian Democratic Forces, SDG, and is the Syrian branch of the PKK. As a result of the meeting, an action plan was signed for the withdrawal of young fighters from the divisions of the SDG.

The UN statement says: With this agreement, the SDG undertakes not to use children as fighters, and to take measures to identify and remove children from the organization’s departments.

Special Representative Gamba, commenting on the prisoner “action plan”, noted that it marks an important day for the protection of children in Syria, and the beginning of a process whereby the structures that are part of the SDG will no longer use child soldiers in their ranks.


The statement noted that the action plan was signed between the UN and the Democratic forces of Syria after months of consultations.

A spokesman for the Spokesperson for the United Nations Secretary-General Stéphane Dujarric, speaking at the briefing said that the actions of the special representative (Virginia Gamba) do not mean recognition of the political legitimacy of the SDG or any other armed group that was previously negotiated. Its goal is to save children from participating in clashes and she follows the path of achieving this goal. Her contacts (with the organization) do not provide any legitimate status to any grouping, he said.

On the question of whether the United States is involved in this process, he stressed that the action plan was signed between the UN and the YPG / PKK-SDG branch.


Alessandra Vellucci, Director of the United Nations Information Service in Geneva in an interview with the news agency Anadolu, said the scandalous plan was not made public for security reasons. Only a few people knew about this meeting, she added.

When Vellucci pointed out that earlier meetings on Syria had taken place at Geneva headquarters and this was always reported in advance, she replied that every meeting has its own characteristics and nuances.


The terrorist organization PKK / YPG, having signed an agreement with the United Nations on the termination of the use of children in its ranks, has actually admitted its guilt in the war crimes committed. The PKK, which is known for using 11–16-year-old children in its criminal actions, broke its silence with this scandalous agreement and recognized this fact for the first time.


The 1949 Geneva Conventions on the Protection of Civilians in Wartime prohibit the use of children as military. These documents emphasize the need for special protection for children under 15 years old. In addition, Protocol No. 1 of 1977 on the protection of victims of armed clashes emphasizes that children under the age of 15 should not become parties to hostile actions and be in the ranks of the armed forces.

This crime committed by an organization in order to compensate for losses in its ranks at the expense of children is often considered by international human rights organizations.

UN data on this issue are given in the report on human trafficking published by the United States in 2015, and in the annual reports of international organizations for the protection of human rights. According to the UN, in 2017, the PKK / YPG took away from families at least 224 children, 72 of whom are girls, for studying in their military training camps. In 2018, this number increased by 5 times.

The PKK / YPG, taking children from 11-16 years of age from their poor parents, send them to military training camps, never allowing them to see their relatives again.


Turkey strongly criticized UN actions. In particular, President R.T. Erdogan strongly protested the signing of an agreement between the UN and the YPG / PKK, stating: “The fact that the UN is at the negotiating table with a terrorist organization and signing an agreement with it, as if recognizing their official status, is in itself at least, scandal. Meeting and signing an agreement between the YPG / PKK and the UN is an unacceptable step. In this regard, Turkey wants to warn the relevant authorities with all seriousness.

Permanent representative to the United Nations, Feridun Hadi Sinirlioğlu, initiated a protest against the actions of the special representative for the protection of children.

The statement of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, in turn, stresses: “We strongly condemn the signing of an agreement between the UN and the PKK terrorists without other members. This UN step is unacceptable and cannot be justified in any way.”