Spain: from the motion of censure to the globalist abyss

On June 1, 2018, something new and unexpected happened in Spain: A victorious motion of censure led Pedro Sánchez (PSOE – Socialist party) to the presidential palace. Sánchez’s party only has 84 seats, so to obtain victory in this motion he gathered support from Unidos-Podemos, ERC, PDeCAT, PNV, Bildu, Compromis, and Nueva Canarias, adding 180 seats (absolute majority finds in 176 seats). That is, we now have a minority socialist government supported by communists, and Basque and Catalan separatists. In addition, Pedro Sánchez is not even a deputy in Congress, which is legal but very surprising in terms of electoral legitimacy (leftist parties always speak of legitimacy at the polls, but Sanchez is president by a motion of censure, not by election of people).

Speaking of ballot boxes and elections, Sanchez initially claimed that he would be a temporary president until the call for new early elections. This was his first lie, as he later announced his intention to exhaust the legislature until 2020. In view of the meetings and proposals that the Sánchez government and its ministers have had during these weeks, the underlying reason that sustains the new government is easily understood.

In the almost two months of Pedro Sánchez’s time in office, the general trend has been to generate endless proposals for useless actions, which conceal the real and troubling issues that were being addressed during the last months of Rajoy’s government, such as the future of pensions and labour reform. Now, it is social problems which are taking center stage: Historical memory, gender equality, raising taxes, welcoming immigrants, and the question of separatism.

Historical memory

The question of historical memory focuses on exhuming the corpse of Franco from the Valley of the Fallen, even threatening to expel the Benedictine monks from the basilica. Many want to create a “truth commission” in order to judge the period of the Franco’s regime (1939-1975). This matter has become an obsession of Sánchez’s government. This topic has been brought into public debate since the first days of the Sánchez’s government, despite that there hadn’t been much discussion of the topic previously. His government initiated this proposition entirely from scatch. Leftist parties even propose the demolition of the great cross of the Valley of the Fallen and the transformation of the site into an Auschwitz type monument. There has also been talk about instituting a course in schools called “education for citizenship”, which pushes the postmodern agenda on issues of historical memory, feminism, gender, etc.

Equality and gender

Sánchez’s government is also putting forth another series of useless proposals regarding gender equality, such as forcing companies to have the same number of men and women– such talk always comes in reference to managerial positions. The feminists never mention the difficult manual labor jobs, which are entirely or almost entirely composed of men and where most women would absolutely refuse to work. They only push for equality in jobs which offer a high salary and little danger. A constitutional reform has even been proposed to “make it inclusive of women”, as if they were not already included. In addition, new laws regarding sexual consent have been proposed in a very diffuse manner. The government has even been asked to approve public financing of artificial insemination treatments for lesbians, “because it is their right” (but, for heterosexual couples it seems such rights don’t apply, as they still have to pay for the process).

Tax policy and massive immigration

Regarding tax policy, we are beginning to hear new proposals about tax increases, which fits in with the line with reinstating universal health in Spain (including for illegal immigrants), but without mentioning the reunification of the Spanish public health system that is now divided between autonomous communities (regions). In this sense, the new policies fit the proposal for massive reception of immigrants who arrive at Spanish and Italian coasts, who the government now wants to grant asylum and work and/or social assistance (in fact, the government’s partners like Unidos-Podemos and parties that govern the municipalities of Madrid and Barcelona have offered to take immigrants in their cities, using public funding).

We recently had a serious problem of people being evicted from their homes, a situation so desperate many people committed suicide as a result. Meanwhile left-wing politicians, who of course did nothing to stop the people of Spain from being evicted, have managed to find money to welcome immigrants, just as they found public money in 2015-2016 to support refugees coming from Turkey to Greece.

More meetings

During recent weeks there has been a striking series of meetings for President Sánchez in Spain, such as his chat with the magnate of international political interference, George Soros, and also with the former president of USA, Barack Obama. Moreover, he met with the president of the regional parliament of Catalonia, Joaquim Torra, a separatist and flagrant anti-Spanish racist, with whom he discussed the release of Catalan politicians imprisoned for rebellion (among other reasons). The separatist issue in Catalonia has reached a new level in the  media in recent months, but still remains unresolved. There is also a proposal for a new statute of Catalonian autonomy to resolve (allegedly) the separatist challenge.


At the recent NATO summit, President Sánchez announced that Spain is unequivocally a loyal member of the alliance, and therefore will increase its spending on defense to 2% of GDP, although before the summit the president and the minister of defense pointed out that this goal was totally unrealistic for Spain. As for the EU, Sánchez and Macron agree on the creation of reception centers for immigrants to receive them in southern countries in order to distribute them to other EU states; Sánchez also accepted Merkel’s proposal to send to Spain some of the immigrants who have arrived in Germany. All of these facts fit Sánchez within the unbreakable liberal-globalist framework of NATO and the EU.

In conclusion

The current government in Spain emerged through a motion of censure, which claimed it would hold power only until the elections, but now contends to become a fixed government until the end of the legislature. Its political actions are clearly a massive distraction from actually important social and economic issues, since they are based on historical manipulation, feminist and gender policies, and total alignment with the liberal and globalist agenda of the EU and NATO.