“Sweden’s NATO membership would aggravate threats against Türkiye”

Vatan Party Chairman Doğu Perinçek held a press conference on Saturday, June 10, 2023 at the Vatan Party’s Headquarters with the member of the Central Committee and made statements about Sweden’s NATO memhership. In summary, Perinçek stated the following:


  • NATO’s expansion in any direction is an aggravation of the threat to Türkiye.
  • NATO is the source of threats against Türkiye.
  • We find Sweden’s admission to NATO membership extremely dangerous for Türkiye’s national unity and territorial integrity.
  • We call on both the AK Party government and all deputies in the Turkish Grand National Assembly to veto Sweden’s NATO membership.

Dear Members of the Press,

Dear Turkish Nation,

Türkiye, Sweden and NATO will in two days, on June 12, to discuss Sweden’s NATO membership process.

Sweden’s accession to NATO is NATO’s expansion to the east and north. NATO’s expansion in any direction is an aggravation of the threat to Türkiye.

The reason is that NATO is not a security umbrella that protects Türkiye, as the politicians of the system say, but the source of threats against Türkiye on all fronts.

From Dedeağaç (Alexandroupoli) on our border with Edirne to Southern Cyprus, in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean, it is the US and NATO that turn their barrels against Türkiye.

It is the US and NATO that attack Türkiye with the PKK and bigoted terrorist organizations in the north of Syria and Iraq.

It is the US and NATO that organized the FETO Gladio and placed it inside our state.

It is the US and NATO that organized the March 12s, September 12s and July 15s Coup Attempts.

It is the US and NATO that imposed an anti-production economy on Türkiye, which sank Türkiye into a foreign debt of 600 billion dollars.

The expansion of NATO is the growth of threats not only to Türkiye, but also to Russia, Iran, the Turkish states, even China, that is, to Türkiye’s allies against US imperialism.



As the Vatan (Patriotic) Party, we find Sweden’s membership in NATO extremely dangerous for Türkiye’s national unity and territorial integrity.

We call on both the AK Party government and all deputies in the Turkish Grand National Assembly not to repeat the grave mistake they made by approving Finland’s membership and to veto Sweden’s NATO membership.

Members of the Turkish National Assembly that was founded in conditions of the war of liberation, cannot be deputies of NATO. Be Türkiye’s deputy! Even if Türkiye is alone among 31 NATO members, it must show its will to veto. Moreover, Hungary also seems to be leaning towards a veto.

In the long run, Türkiye will ensure its security, unity and prosperity by leaving NATO.

We respectfully announce our position to our nation.