Georgia and Armenia, which opened their doors to the West, received mass protests, clashes and chaos, United World International author Mehmet Perinçek has stated. “What is happening today in two South Caucasian countries, Georgia and Armenia, which have opened their doors to the West? Mass protests, clashes, chaos,” Perinçek told Russian news agency RIA Novosti. At the same time, the ...

The South Caucasus is expecting with important developments in terms of regional peace and stability. It is not possible for such an environment of peace and stability to exist without Georgia. We talked with Shota Apkhaidze, Georgian political scientist and expert at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, about Georgia’s new EU candidate membership status, its ...

By Gürkan Demir reporting from Tehran, Iran The summit of the “Regional Cooperation Platform for the Establishment of Permanent Peace and Stability in the South Caucasus” took place in Tehran on 23 October. Commitment to develop partnerships, peaceful resolution of disputes and respect for the territorial integrity of neighboring countries. I followed the summit on site. Here are some important ...

United World International author Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview to the weekly newspaper Kaspiy about the latest developments in the South Caucasus and the normalization process of relations between Türkiye and Armenia. We present the interview, published in Russian, to our readers translated into English. Türkiye announced the start of the second stage of the normalization of relations between Türkiye ...

The process of normalization of relations between countries in the South Caucasus has begun. Especially the negotiations between Baku and Yerevan have started. Ankara and Moscow also support the decisions taken in meetings of presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Pashinyan. Turkey and Russia are also working actively on the topic of the “3 + 3” cooperation ...

“The objective interests of Turkey, Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran coincide. This interest lies, first of all, in preventing the intervention of external forces into the region, in particular the Western interference, and avoiding provocations of the Atlantic world in the region.” United World International expert Mehmet Perinçek gave an interview on recent developments in the Caucasus to Azerbaijani news website ...